Education from a Global Perspective and
Thinking together about higher education
Your "Education Coordinator".
Will continue to be.

What exactly is education?

What exactly is education?

There is no parent who does not wish for their child's happiness!
I don't think these words lie.

But what is true happiness for a child?
Few parents also seriously consider this question.

In the third grade of elementary school, students are busy choosing a cram school for junior high school entrance examinations.
with fellow company seniors and colleagues of about the same age, and fellow parents at school.
The topic of conversation was exclusively about choosing a cram school.

Children are left behind.
Then they get caught up in the currents around them and are swept away.

What exactly is education?
Who is it for and what is it for?

Japan is no longer a declining developing country

As parents, the first thing we need to understand is the change in society and the world between the past and the present.

This is not the era of Japan as No. 1, protected by seniority and lifetime employment.
We live in an age where we cannot assume that we will spend our entire lives only with Japanese people in Japan.

Globalization and technologization of the world.
Japan's population is drastically declining and the birthrate is super low and aging.

Really understand what these words mean.
Are we educating them?

Japan is no longer a declining developing country

Unchanging Japanese Education

Students attend cram school until late at night during the sensitive period of elementary school.
Summer classes from morning to night. It's a game of how many points you can get.
The same scene that my parents' generation has spent time in is a relief to see, but
Is that really what you want?

Summer camps are the most popular summer vacation event in Europe and the United States.
They leave their parents and embark on a journey of independence and experience.

The purpose of education is to develop non-cognitive abilities and EQ (mental intelligence quotient).
We are moving on to cultivating them.

Unchanging Japanese Education

Education is a preparatory process for the future

Education is a preparatory process for the future

The mass-production, mass-consumption society of the postwar to the Society 3.0 era of the Heisei era.
The value questioned was academic background. That's what the entrance exam was for, that's what the cram school was for.
These were the days when those who survived the examinations were the ones who had the future happiness.

Society 5.0 is a world of globalization and technology.
The required abilities include problem-solving skills, logical thinking, understanding of diversity...

In these times, training to go to cram school and solve problems with answers is
Does it really guarantee future happiness?

By the way, American universities are doing away with the SAT.
*SAT = American version of the standardized test for college admissions.

Education is a preparatory process for the future."

When you think about it, the future that our children are already living in is
That it has definitely become different from that of the parents.
You have to recognize it.

What is Learning? What does it mean to work? What kind of education is needed in the future?

What is Learning? What is working?
What kind of education is needed in the future?

Borders will disappear and economic and social activities will be everywhere.
An era of technology adoption.

In other words, on the world stage.
In a time when our ability to be truly human is being tested.
With an education where you study only to get a score and for your own success.
Will the children really be happy?

Working means solving someone or something's problems,
To create something more like this.

If so, then learning is
It fosters the ability to solve problems and creativity,
Isn't it to look at the problems of society in the first place?

If we consider the power of solution and creativity together as the power to "realize" something,
The development of various qualities and abilities necessary to realize
I assure you that this is what is required for the future of education.

Parents themselves are proactive and strategic.
The Age of Education

When you think about it, education is no longer
It is not something that can be left to schools alone.

The era of leaving everything up to the school until the university entrance examination is over.
Because now the purpose of education is completely different,
Because there is no school where you can get everything you need.

Now, the purpose of education is to
It is about acquiring the qualities and abilities to cope with the drastic changes in the world.

What should I learn when and in what environment in order to achieve this goal?
We need to design our education with careful consideration.

Education is now in the hands of parents to create. Parents themselves think strategically about education and
You need to provide your child with the appropriate time and environment.

That's why GLI is
Parents-centered creation of education and higher education from a global perspective together.
We will continue to be your educational coordinator.

GLI Representative Minoru Kaburaki