Notice News & Topics Notice 2024.04.16 Boarding School Success! 4 points to prepare for the entrance exam! education 2023.10.12 We will explain the points of discernment necessary for deciding which schools to apply to. education 2023.10.08 Protected: 受験校決定に必要な見極めポイント解説します Events 2023.08.26 You can take the junior high school entrance exam with your "favorite English"! English for Entrance Exams Seminar" will be held! Events 2023.04.25 You can pass the junior high school entrance exam with "what you like"! Seminar on Special Characteristics of Entrance Examinations" was held! Events 2022.09.06 This "Parents Study Session" is limited to [first 5 students]! Because... Events 2022.03.25 4/8/15 Online] Clear up all your uncertainties about high school entrance examinations! Must-see for those who want to know the latest information about high school entrance exams and how to choose the right school! Notice 2021.07.01 Guests: Editor-in-Chief of Media Specializing in International Schools! [Parents Study Session]! Notice 2021.05.10 Revision of Courses of Study: The Truth about the Significant Increase in the Difficulty of Junior High School English Notice 2021.02.26 Parents Study Session" will be held! CATEGORY. GLI Online GEC (Event Membership) Events Notice Harumi Hiroo Musashi Kosugi track record Customer Testimonials Lecturers International Day (US, Canada, etc.) day care Presentation Day parent-teacher training session Event Report education STEAM YEAR 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 RECENT GLI Online Event] Last minute preparation for the Eiken with an online teacher! GLIイベントスケジュール(12/5現在) 海外進学「合格速報」(2024.12) GLIウィンタースポーツキャンプ開催!今年の“テーマ”はコレ! 涙涙の7日間【フィリピン:ダバオスタディーツアー】レポート!