Notice News & Topics Hiroo 2022.01.18 Junior high school students discuss with overseas peers in English - Report on the Hiroo School Winter School! Events 2022.01.13 We will hold a free information session to tell you about the future of GLI (and offer a discount of up to 80,000 yen). Events 2022.01.13 You can talk to the parents of [Harrow Abbey School and British Boarding School Successful Candidates]! Parents study meeting! Musashi Kosugi 2022.01.08 Here is a report on the very successful Winter School @ GLI Musashi Kosugi School! Harumi 2021.12.31 A summary of January's events! Events 2021.12.29 Online event to discuss the SDGs in English! Musashi Kosugi 2021.12.27 The "Easy Way" for Elementary School Children to Become "English Lovers Harumi 2021.12.20 For younger and older children! Why don't you come to GLI's "Daycare" on Saturday mornings and experience English? Notice 2021.12.18 The GLI team will participate in a robotics competition tomorrow, December 19! Events 2021.12.14 Second time this year! Report on the Presentation Day! Hiroo 2021.12.10 A trip to explore the diversity of the world】Do you have an interest in an event where you can interact with your peers from overseas while staying in Japan? Musashi Kosugi 2021.12.10 Winter School @ Musashi Kosugi" where you can experience an "Overseas Winter Event" if you sign up now... Previous...171819...Next. CATEGORY. Harumi Hiroo Musashi Kosugi GLI Online GEC (Event Membership) Events Notice track record Customer Testimonials Lecturers International Day (US, Canada, etc.) day care Presentation Day parent-teacher training session Event Report education STEAM YEAR 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 RECENT 宿泊型新イベント「広尾校お泊まりキャンプ in Spring」開催! 中高生ワークショップ開催!「海外留学・総合型選抜」を経験した特別ゲストも! 国内外ボーディングスクール準備に!【GLIオンライン OPEN HOUSE】開催 富士・箱根「GLIスプリングキャンプ」の見所を公開! 【高月先生講演会】報告レポート