Notice News & Topics International Day (US, Canada, etc.) 2021.03.17 International Day" Report! International Day (US, Canada, etc.) 2020.04.21 International Day Report! Notice 2020.01.09 Hawaii Day Report! Harumi 2019.11.28 Asakusa Field Trip Report! Harumi 2019.11.14 GLI has started a system called "Best Class Recognition"! Harumi 2019.11.08 Why is GLI promoting "SDGs Education"? Harumi 2019.10.26 English and programming are absolutely essential skills. It will cease to be a practice. Harumi 2019.10.25 This year's theme is "Hawaii! Pre-Winter School will be held again this year! Harumi 2019.09.27 GLI provides an environment where "SDGs" are the norm. Harumi 2019.05.19 ネパールの結婚式レポート Previous12 CATEGORY. GLI Online GEC (Event Membership) Events Notice Harumi Hiroo Musashi Kosugi track record Customer Testimonials Lecturers International Day (US, Canada, etc.) day care Presentation Day parent-teacher training session Event Report education STEAM YEAR 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 RECENT “イギリス留学”ご検討の方へ【高月先生特別講演会】開催! 【保護者勉強会】開催!テーマは「保護者の教育設計力」 イギリス「Top Prepスクール説明会」開催! 【2025最初のフィールドトリップは中華街へ行こう!】 GLI Online Event] Last minute preparation for the Eiken with an online teacher!