Notice News & Topics Notice 2020.03.27 What do you know exactly about STEAM education? Notice 2020.03.26 Event Update! The First Day of Spring! International Day (US, Canada, etc.) 2020.03.19 Starting next year, International Day at GLI! Notice 2020.03.13 Why is STEAM education very important for every student? Notice 2020.03.12 What are the advantages of Skype lessons? Notice 2020.03.12 Requiem of Mourning and Monument of Hope Notice 2020.03.10 Upcoming events (with trial session dates for the new year) Notice 2020.03.07 What are you doing in high school? Notice 2020.03.04 Everyday life as it should be (message to children of graduates) Notice 2020.02.28 Index Card Tallest Tower Engineering Challenge Notice 2020.02.27 From Classrooms to Schools! Pre-Spring and Spring Daycare Update Notice 2020.02.21 The popular materials use for STEAM classroom around the world Previous...414243...Next. CATEGORY. GLI Online GEC (Event Membership) Events Notice Harumi Hiroo Musashi Kosugi track record Customer Testimonials Lecturers International Day (US, Canada, etc.) day care Presentation Day parent-teacher training session Event Report education STEAM YEAR 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 RECENT 【高月先生講演会】報告レポート 「保護者勉強会」報告ブログ 世界に日本の魅力を発信!【GLIスプリングキャンプ】無料説明会開催! 「Elstree School説明会」実施報告 涙が止まらなかった「2分の1成人式」