Notice News & Topics Notice 2021.03.29 The "Must-see for Junior High and High School Students!" Do you want to get a good score on the "fun" regular test? Notice 2021.03.25 This is the perfect way to learn English for junior high school! This course is held for a limited time only! Notice 2021.03.19 Parents Study Group "Benefit from being able to speak English." International Day (US, Canada, etc.) 2021.03.17 International Day" Report! Notice 2021.03.16 Why do we need to dispose of trash correctly? track record 2021.03.14 The following is a summary of the results of this year's English Proficiency Tests! track record 2021.03.11 All students passed the second round of the English Proficiency Test! Notice 2021.03.07 Is programming necessary? Notice 2021.03.02 Spring School information release! Notice 2021.02.26 Parents Study Session" will be held! Notice 2021.02.23 The "Three Major Advantages" of Online Lessons Presentation Day 2021.02.18 Presentation Day Report! Previous...333435...Next. CATEGORY. GLI Online GEC (Event Membership) Events Notice Harumi Hiroo Musashi Kosugi track record Customer Testimonials Lecturers International Day (US, Canada, etc.) day care Presentation Day parent-teacher training session Event Report education STEAM YEAR 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 RECENT 世界に日本の魅力を発信!【GLIスプリングキャンプ】無料説明会開催! 「Elstree School説明会」実施報告 涙が止まらなかった「2分の1成人式」 【ウィンターキャンプ2025】イベントレポート!特別なご案内も! 4月末まで「入会金無料」&「レッスン料半額」武蔵小杉校【新年度キャンペーン】開催!