Notice News & Topics 2020.01.24 What is the difference between traditional education and STEAM education? 2020.01.22 Today’s Recommended Book! 今日のおすすめ英語絵本 2020.01.21 GLI Harumi DD STEAM Course Trial Lesson 2020.01.21 We want to be a "place" for children. 2020.01.20 今年度のイベントについて 2020.01.18 The Information Gap is the College Enrollment Gap! Only a Few Know the Connection Between Education Reform and Examinations 2020.01.13 What is the purpose of Study Tours? 2020.01.10 STEAM courses begin in April! 2020.01.09 Hawaii Day Report! 2020.01.05 My personal plan to make my children truly happy when they grow up (Part 3) 2020.01.03 My personal plan to make my children truly happy when they grow up (Part 2) 2020.01.02 My personal plan to make my children really happy when they grow up (Part 1) Previous...141516 CATEGORY. GLI Online GEC (Event Membership) Events Notice Harumi Hiroo Musashi Kosugi track record Customer Testimonials Lecturers International Day (US, Canada, etc.) day care Presentation Day parent-teacher training session Event Report education STEAM YEAR 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 RECENT GLI Online Event] Last minute preparation for the Eiken with an online teacher! GLIイベントスケジュール(12/5現在) 海外進学「合格速報」(2024.12) GLIウィンタースポーツキャンプ開催!今年の“テーマ”はコレ! 涙涙の7日間【フィリピン:ダバオスタディーツアー】レポート!