Notices - Harumi School Harumi News 2022.12.06 Harumi Fun Event] Event Report! 2022.12.06 Report on [GLI Presentation Day]! 2022.09.20 Harumi School Summer School] Report! 2022.09.08 Harumi Field Trip! Here is the destination this time! 2022.08.31 Harumi School] July Day Care Report & New Program for Kindergarten Students Starts in September! 2022.08.04 GLI Summer School】Starts on the 15th! We are still accepting applications! 2022.07.26 7/28] The first summer school is an online school! Why don't you come and visit us on the last day? 2022.07.20 7/23 @ Harumi] Very popular day care! 2022.07.13 7/30 ・Harumi School】Let's play with LEGO as much as you can! The popular event will be held again! 2022.06.16 GLI Summer School Online] 4 days to explore STEAM with 6 themes to choose from! 2022.06.15 GLI2022 Summer] There are a total of five GLI summer school projects this year! 2022.06.14 GLI Summer School Harumi] Explore the past and future of Technology and Art! Previous...567...Next. CATEGORY. GLI Online GEC (Event Membership) Events Notice Harumi Hiroo Musashi Kosugi track record Customer Testimonials Lecturers International Day (US, Canada, etc.) day care Presentation Day parent-teacher training session Event Report education STEAM YEAR 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 RECENT GLIイベントスケジュール(12/5現在) 海外進学「合格速報」(2024.12) GLIウィンタースポーツキャンプ開催!今年の“テーマ”はコレ! 涙涙の7日間【フィリピン:ダバオスタディーツアー】レポート! 2024年【ダバオスタディーツアー】親御様アンケート