Notices - Harumi School Harumi News 2024.05.31 We received nice reviews! @Harumi School 2024.03.25 Special report on the last "Fun Event" of the year! 2024.03.25 Field Trip] On April 21, we will have a guided tour at the Imperial Palace! 2024.03.12 A great success [Fun Event Jr.] event report! 2024.02.16 The popular "Harumi Fun Event" will be held this year under the theme of "Easter! 2024.01.23 The next theme of the popular event "Fun Event Jr, 2023.12.26 GLI Harumi School "Preparation Campaign for the New School Year" is now being held! 2023.12.14 Fun Money Education! Harumi Fun Event was held! 2023.12.11 Harumi School's first event "New Year Welcome Event" in 2024! 2023.11.30 GLI Harumi School "Christmas Event" held! What is this year's theme? 2023.11.18 New event [Fun Event Jr! 2023.11.06 The popular "Harumi Fun Event" will be held for the first time in 4 months! The theme this time is.., Previous...234...Next. CATEGORY. Harumi Hiroo Musashi Kosugi GLI Online GEC (Event Membership) Events Notice track record Customer Testimonials Lecturers International Day (US, Canada, etc.) day care Presentation Day parent-teacher training session Event Report education STEAM YEAR 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 RECENT 【中高生ワークショップ】イベント速報! 2024年度 第3回【英検®︎結果速報】! GLIオンライン・オリエンテーションデイ開催 宿泊型新イベント「広尾校お泊まりキャンプ in Spring」開催! 中高生ワークショップ開催!「海外留学・総合型選抜」を経験した特別ゲストも!