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  • 2024.06.13

I passed the Eiken ®︎3 level when I was in the second grade of elementary school.

Hello, this is Iwata from GLI.

In today's blog,Passed Eiken ®︎3 level in the second grade of elementary school.the followingShuwa Miyake and his parentsWe hope to provide you with the contents of an interview we conducted with

Shuwa works hard in his lessons.

You can read the interview here.

✔︎ Eiken at home ®︎ support methods
✔︎ The important thing that allowed me to pass the Eiken ®︎3 level in the second grade of elementary school.
✔︎ What changes and growth have you seen at GLI?

We hope that you will read this article to the end. We hope you will read it to the end.

On passing the Eiken ®︎3 level.

Q: What are your frank impressions?

First,I wasn't expecting to pass the third level at all.I was hoping to motivate them, so I told them, "If I get accepted, I'll do whatever you say,I'm surprised I didn't really think I'd be accepted.I did.

Q: Did you have any support at home to help you pass the English test?

Yes, it is,Support such as solving problems togetherhad been doing. For example,Interview practice, including playing the role of interviewer and asking questions.The company has conducted a

For the first round, it's an Eiken Level 3 drill that even elementary school students can understand, and a 7-day textbook. I had them solve those drills and review them with the answer sheets.

I would buy the book, give it to him, and he would solve the problems first, and then we would review how to do it, checking only the circled answers together.

I also received past exam questions from my friends' mothers and solved them.

Q: Please tell us about any episodes of change or growth that you have experienced in this pass.

It's not a place where it's about passing the test, but I was actually exposed to English before I started kindergarten, and I liked it and studied English.

However, parents do not have much of a chance to see their children actually using English,Are they actually learning to use English properly? I wondered.

By taking the test this time and getting the results, I was able to confirm that I had reached a certain level,I felt that my English skills had improved after all the work I have done so far.

In Eiken ®︎, you are given a number of points for listening and reading, and I think my listening ability is my strongest point, and I am scoring quite well,I knew that being exposed to English from a young age was a big deal.I felt that it was a good idea.

Q: Seeing that they are growing more and more, do you have any expectations or prospects for the future?

It's been his dream since he was a child,I want to study abroad.I have had this goal since I was in kindergarten, so I think he knows that he is getting closer to that dream.

Since he is taking the Eiken ®︎ and passing it well, it is probably giving him confidence and he is starting to talk about whether he can go and do what he wants to do. I think that is also a plus for him.

His vision for the future is becoming closer to realization, more realistic, and he feels that he can go there by himself.

Q: Is there a certain country that is the best place to go to study abroad?

He himself has chosen Australia. Although I would also prefer Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, where it is a bit safer, rather than the US or something like that.

As for timing, should I let them go first in middle school? Or is high school a good time? I am thinking about it.

He has expressed his desire to study abroad, but he has not yet been able to articulate what he wants to do afterwards,The next step is to find that in the future.I wonder if it is.

I think he likes communicating in English a lot right now, and I think he likes it or wants to do it, but I hope that he will become more specific in the future about wanting to know more about other countries' cultures and learn more about this kind of thing.

Q: Is there anything about your child's current English learning that you would like to improve in the future?

I am enjoying the level up very well now, and I don't see anything in particular that needs to be improved.

As for me, I feel happy that I went to GLI,I would like to keep in touch with you.I only think it is a good idea.

Good luck with your positive attitude.
It's really great!

Because I really think that GLI is a good fit for Shuwa, and before attending here, I attended a school-based English school for about 8 months, until the winter of my first year.

Then later, a friend's mother who went to GLI told you that you would be a good fit for Shuwa and introduced you to us.

Before, it was mainly school-age children, and when he didn't feel like it, he didn't want to go. He would say things like, "I'm not going today," or "I don't want to go, so I'm going home."

But since I have been with GLI, I don't have "I don't want to go".

When I tell them that today is GLI day, they say, "Okay, I'll go," and it's not the same anymore.

I could really tell that he was enjoying it, or rather, the way he was approaching it. In fact, at the time of the Eiken ®︎, he told me that he enjoyed talking to me at the interview.

At GLI, the main focus is on conversation, there are a lot of presentations, and I think I probably enjoy speaking English and having a conversation with someone else.

Q: Do you have any advice for families who are struggling with Eiken ®︎?

Review support after solving at home in English studyis it?

I also feel that the lower the grade level, the less focused they probably are on their studies.

In Shuwa's case, he can do this in part because he likes English, but in part because his younger brother is not yet interested in English, so it can be quite difficult.

But, rather than saying, "Parents, do it!" Rather, let them do it when they feel like it, and then don't leave them alone and watch them for a bit! You got it right! That's great! That's great!Is it good to be involved while praising?I think.

About GLI

Q: What are your impressions of the GLI?

I think it is significant that Shuwa is now able to write.

I've been given daily homework assignments, such as a diary, so I've been able to use the words YES, NO, etc. in the sentences I've been asked.I went from just answering with words to being able to speak and write sentences.It was a very big change.

You can't understand English unless you speak it, and that's why it's not something that can be done by studying only on the desk, and there's nothing tangible, so, as I told you earlier, you can show me your homework and so on, or you can take the Eiken ®︎.You're really getting good at what you do.I really feel that.

Q: How soon did you feel those changes?

I couldn't write sentences until about the winter before I started at GLI, so even though they were giving me homework, I had to think about it and teach them the words and ask them every time.

This was probably around the end of summer vacation or before, I wrote my own diary without asking.

Sometimes they just ask me for a story, and then they ask me, "What should I write about?" I can reply, "Oh, okay, I'll write about that. I reply, "Oh, okay, I'll write that.

The rest.If I didn't know a word, I started pulling it up myself, or if I didn't know how to pronounce it, I would look it up on my cell phone,I've really learned to think for myself.I think.

Also in April, we moved up a class and the homework changed. It used to be a diary, but now it is based on a theme, and I was so impressed by the way they were thinking and creating sentences on their own.

I know it's not all passable writing, but the fact that I can now write several lines of text is really amazing in my opinion,I am impressed that you are now able to write your thoughts properly.I hate to praise my son in any way (laughs).

Q: Can you tell us your impression of the classroom teacher?

Teacher,He is very friendly and not like a teacher in a good way.So, I wonder if Shuwa is able to present herself without fidgeting when a new teacher arrives.

I am not shy, and I enjoy going to the school regardless of whether the teachers change or the grade level changes.

Also GLI is,The small group size allows for close contact with the teachers and casual conversation with them, so the environment allows for daily conversation.I am very grateful to the

If there are a lot of students, you have to watch this kid and that kid, but I think it's great to have a small group where you can have conversations after class, where the teacher asks Shuwa many questions and he answers them, and where you can have normal daily conversations.

Q: Do you have any memorable episodes with your teachers?

We receive reports from the teachers on how Shuwa's classes are going, such as "You're doing well here," "You should work on this area," or "You're not doing well here, but since you're doing well here, let's work on this area a little more, too,He not only praised me for what I could do, but also gave me "points to work on," saying, "You can do it this way, too.Yes.

Like this Eiken ®︎, the test when you move up in class, the part where you all do your best to praise me, or rather, you absolutely call on me.It also motivates them to say, "I did my best, so they praise me for it."I think.

Also, I really love Dr. Bhushan, and he is from Nepal, and beforeLet's go to Nepal on a study tour someday!"He was very happy to be invited to the event, and he would love to go with us.

I truly believe that the teachers are one of the reasons I continue to enjoy the program.

Dr. Bhushan.
He is a very popular teacher among his students.

Q: If you had to rate GLI on a scale of 1 to 10, what would your score be?

10 points.

If I had a perfect score rating of 12, I would give it a 12, I am really happy with it.

Q: Who do you think would be a good fit for GLI and would you recommend it?

When I was introduced to Shuwa.It's participatory and dialogue-driven, with more conversations speaking English than grammar."He was introduced to the audience.

In an English cram school, it's just a study, like, "Please do the printouts," "Please do this," and so on,At GLI, presentations are given, and classes are taught in English in various subjects, such as science, so it is truly an "English-oriented study.We see it as a

Besides, we see English only as a tool for communication, so we don't place that much importance on whether or not you can speak without grammatical mistakes.

In fact, I have also taken the Eiken ®︎, but rather than having them learn English from a young age with the goal of passing any level or anything like that,Emphasis on being able to communicate in English and being able to convey what you want to say to the other person.I am doing this.

Ultimately, I hope that when they grow up, they will have that kind of ability to work not only in Japan but anywhere in the world.

GLI for such a place,Students are given an opportunity to give a presentation or a theme, research it, summarize their own ideas, and then output them in English, so it's very practical.I think it is.

Rather than English as its academic discipline,Those who have a goal to be able to communicate in English and communicate what they want to say to others in English.I think it is recommended for I think it is a good idea.

I would also recommend GLI to anyone who wants to speak English and does not know how to learn English, and I have recommended GLI to many people around me.

This is more than just seeing GLI as a cram school,A place where you can enjoy learning. A place where you will find yourself able to talk.Because we believe that

So for parents who don't know how to help their children learn, I say, "Why don't you go to GLI?" I say.

When I think about having my child learn English, I think it is best to start with enjoying conversation and communication rather than studying, so I highly recommend GLI.

Besides,Very good class team members.Yes. It has helped him improve his level, and we are very close and come back together.

And, because you can study for the GLI online even if you don't have time, even for parents who don't have time to pick up and drop off, because you can do it at home.I also recommend "GLI Online."I am doing this.

The first is the "M" in the "M".

Mr. Miyake, thank you very much for allowing us to interview you.

Hearing Mr. Miyake's story, I am very happy that he appreciates GLI from various perspectives, and it has motivated me and the instructors even more.

We look forward to continuing to help Shuwa develop not only his English communication skills, but also his global skills so that he can be active anywhere in the world.

Again, thank you so much for your valuable time.

GLI Iwata

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