News - Musashi Kosugi School

Musashikosugi News

  • Musashi Kosugi
  • 2024.03.07

The theme is "AI Creators" and "Engineers"! Musashikosugi Spring School was held!

Hello, this is Bhushan from GLI Musashi-Kosugi School!

This time at GLI Musashi-Kosugi School,March 25 and 26.AI Creator."And And,March 27 and 28.Engineer."on the theme ofHeld "Spring SchoolI will do so!

For AI-based animated videos
I'll give you a challenge.

What is GLI's Spring School?

Not only fun,

✔︎ Improving "Communication Skills"

✔︎ "Problem-solving skills" will be developed.

✔︎ Increased "self-esteem"

And in this issue.

✔︎ Learn to use "AI" early on.

✔︎ "Engineering Skills" will be developed.

and so on through the program,A variety of skills can be acquiredThe following is a brief description of the product.

In fact, these skills areAbsolutely essential skills for the future society.andIn recent years, it is also required for middle school and university entrance exams.The new style is becoming more and more popular.

So, such an essential skill for the future,Just attend for 2 days and have fun learning!Because of the,Very satisfactory content from many students and parents.The first two are the following.

Last year it was "Endangered Animals in Hawaii and Japan."
We also gave an English presentation on the theme of

Term 1: Become an AI creator!

From here on, we will discuss each of these themes,Delivering specific detailsI would like to do so.

First, in "Term 1", the goal is to create a moving image animation using "AI" in two days.Experience a variety of AI-related activitiesWe will take it.

Term 1: DAY 1

Day 1,AI (Artificial Intelligence)The emphasis is on learning about theActivities and brainstorming on new words and AIThe following is a list of the most common types of products that can be used.

By learning about AI, students will learn about new technologies and tools that are actually used by AI in their daily lives.

The team was also asked to think about what questions to pose to the AI tool to get the ideal answers. The team was asked to think about the following questions,You can become more familiar with the use of AI.

Not only that, but they will actually experience various AI tools as well.

Term 1: DAY 2

Day 2.Challenging day for studentswill be.

that is, using some AI technology, along the lines of the following video stream,Come up with their own story and produce an animated videoFrom.

This activity is a great way for students to think about their stories in a new way, experience new technologies, and create new AI works of art, and to experience their successes,Increased self-esteem and further stimulated curiosityThis can also lead to

If you participate in Term 1...

▼Improved flexibility and adaptability
AI technology is evolving rapidly, and it is important to be flexible enough to adapt quickly to these changes. Through learning generative AI, children canAdaptability to new technologies and approachesto nurture.

▼Improvement of self-expression and self-affirmation
Through this AI activity, students will find a means to express their identity and ideas. This is.Increased self-esteemThis leads to

▼Expanding learning enjoyment and interest
Learning about generative AI provides an interesting way to transform abstract concepts into concrete artifacts. Through Spring School activities, children experience the joy of learning,Expand interest in actively pursuing new knowledgeYou can do this.

Term 2) Be an engineer!

In "Term 2."Engineering Skills in 2 Daysmaking the most ofDesign and design of "Roller Coaster" and "English Presentation" at Goalto experience a variety of activities.

Also, in Term 2,Programs where teamwork is more central.and is therefore more recommended for those who want to improve their teamwork and communication skills!

English Presentation

Term 2: DAY 1

EngineeringTeams with other students for various activitiesStudents will learn about engineering while doing so at the

For example,'How does engineering technology add to our lives?' ' 'Are there any negatives?'The team will be asked to think about a variety of questions, such as the following, for more engineering exploration.

At the end of the first day,What is the "design" of the roller coaster to be produced this time, and what kind of materials are needed to produce it?You will be asked to think about it from scratch, such as

Term 2: DAY2

On the second day, we first organized the DAY 1Go shopping as a team for production materials for the roller coaster.It begins with.

And from therePrepare an English presentation based on what you have created and worked together as a team.You will be asked to do the following

Examples of Production
Preparation of the presentation

Finally,English presentation of the results of the 2 days in front of participants and instructorsYou will be asked to do the following

If you participate in Term 2...

▼ Facilitating Collaboration
Theme.Engineering."and work together as a team to take on the same challenges.Team Building."Members with different perspectives and abilities work together through activities that combineGenerate more creative and multi-faceted solutionsIt is expected that

▼Improve communication skills
Team building activities help strengthen communication and build trust among members. Combining these activities with engineering as well as technical knowledge,Communication skills also improvedThe following is a list of the most common reasons for this.

▼Improvement of problem-solving skills
Team building activities are,Leadership, collaboration, and problem-solving skillsThis will help improve the engineering projects and simultaneously train these skills when dealing with real-world challenges.Increased flexibility and creativity.

Other benefits include making new friends and discovering additional interests through the program,A total of 4 days of Spring School filled with many encounters and learning opportunitiesIt is!

Why don't you join us and enjoy learning the skills you will need in the future society?

Details of "Spring School

Term 1: March 25 and 26 (Monday and Tuesday: 2 days)
DAY 1: 9:30 - 15:30 (total: 6 hours)
DAY 2: 9:30 - 15:30 (total: 6 hours)

Term 1: March 27 and 28 (Wednesday and Thursday: 2 days)
DAY 1: 9:30 - 15:30 (total: 6 hours)
DAY 2: 9:30 - 15:30 (total: 6 hours)

[LocationGLI Musashi Kosugi School

SubjectInternal and External Students

CapacityElementary school students "First 10 students (1st-6th grade)"
*Registration will be closed when capacity is reached.
Minimum 4 people

《Term 1》 Become an AI creator!
DAY 1: Time Schedule
9:30: Meet at GLI Musashi Kosugi
9:30-10:00: What is AI? (You will also learn English words related to AI)
10:00-11:00: What is AI used in our daily life? (Watch the video to learn)
11:00-12:00: Let's use ChatGPT! (We will use ChatGPT to explore a variety of topics)
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00-14:00: Hands-on activities using Alexa and VR!
14:00-15:30: Brainstorming and mind mapping activities!

DAY 2: Time Schedule
9:30: Meet at GLI Musashi Kosugi
9:30-10:00: Let's review DAY 1!
10:00-11:00: Create your own story using ChatGPT!
11:00-12:00: Let's match the characters and music!
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00-14:00: Create an animated video using AI tools!
14:00-15:30: Complete your animation using design tools!

Term 2: Become an engineer!
DAY 1: Time Schedule
9:30: Meet at GLI Musashi Kosugi
9:30-10:00: Ice break
10:00-12:00: Team building activities
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00-14:00: Team exploration activity on engineering and design!
14:00-15:30: Design and materials for a roller coaster!

DAY 2: Time Schedule
9:30: Meet at GLI Musashi Kosugi
9:30-10:00: Let's review DAY 1!
10:00-11:00: Let's go shopping for materials for the roller coaster!
11:00-12:00: Let's make a roller coaster design!
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00-14:30: Let's make a roller coaster!
14:30-15:30: Prepare and present your English presentation!

Participation fee (tax included)
If you participate in either one
Internal Students & Premium Members: 19,800 yen (* "1,650 yen" per hour)
● GEC Standard Member: 22,000 yen (* "about 1,800 yen" per hour)
●GEC free member (outside student): 27,500 yen (* "about 2,300 yen" per hour)

In case of participation in both←Recommended!
Internal Students & Premium Members: 35,200 yen (1,500 yen per hour)
GEC Standard Member: 39,600 yen (*About 1,650 yen per hour)
GEC free members (outside students): 50,600 yen (*About 2,100 yen per hour.)

*No first month's membership fee and the same events as internal students.GEC Event Memberschool (e.g. of ikebana)this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)You can join from (Some events are open to members with different membership statuses and have different entry fees.)

How to participate
If you are interested in participating in the "Musashi-Kosugi Spring School," click on the "Official GLI Line" button below,Musashikosugi Spring Schooland send us a message.

We will reply to your message with confirmation and details about the day's event.


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This popular GLI event is a fun way to explore AI and engineering while also stimulating curiosity.Enjoyable content even for those who are thinking about learning English in the future.So if you are interested, please join us and have fun!

GLI Instructor Bhushan (Japanese translation by Erica)

GLI's help for learning EnglishFree learning content."can be found here.