track record


  • track record
  • 2024.01.23

GLI's FLL team, "GLI Creators" [National Competition] is selected!

Hello, this is Bhushan, GLI instructor.

GLI's FLL team, the GLI CreatorsParticipation in FLL National Competitionhas been decided!Congratulations indeed!

Awards Ceremony

What is "FLL"?

I am sure some of you may feel that this is not a good idea, so let me explain.

What is FLL?First Lego Leaguestands for the world's largest international LEGO competition for youth ages 6-16.

The competition includes a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) perspective, rather than simply assembling Legos,Held in more than 110 countriesThe company has been

There are many different classes within FLL, and this time we decided to compete in the national competition.FLL ExploreThe class is called

In "FLL explore.

The program is open to students in grades 1 through 3,Creativity, innovation, discovery, problem solving, technical, design and presentation skills, and teamwork are checked.The purpose of the project is to

In this class, teams are given a theme and team members must research that theme and build Lego models and posters.

In addition to creating the Lego models and posters, the contestants will also present their Lego models, posters, and programming in front of a panel of judges.

In this year's competition

We, four GLI team members, competed on December 24 in the East Japan Tournament, which is a regional competition.

This season's theme isMasterpiece.The theme of the project was "The World's Most Beautiful People". We started working on this theme in August.

We build Lego models, make posters, to make presentations,We worked as a team for almost four months.

We discussed as a group and did research as well,We built a roller coaster, a space museum, a concert stage, and other space-related items with LEGO.

And to learn more about the universe and the solar system,Visit to "National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation" in OdaibaI went to the

There, students asked questions about the solar system, received answers, and turned them into their own knowledge.

After this, our team designed the Lego model, programmed it, and created a research poster.Posters are, of course, in "English".

What we actually created

Then, on December 24, the show will go live.

The convention will includeTeam 22."participated in the event.

It was a nerve-wracking environment for everyone,Active attempts to learn, such as looking at other teams' LEGO models, learning about their ideas and programming, communicating with them, etc.was wonderful.

I was also explaining our LEGO model and programming to the other teams.

Also,Presentations are also in "English".We did. This one is.Video of actual presentationIt is. Please take a look!

During the judging process, the contestants will be evaluated on three levels from various perspectives regarding "our performance" including LEGO models, posters, and presentations.

Within the three levels of "Beginner," "Achievement," and "Above."Three "better than", the highest rating.We were also able to receive

At the awards ceremony

What a team we have!Received the "Coding AwardI did.

The "Coding Awards" are,It will be awarded to the team that can perfectly explain the programming they created and the movement of their LEGO model.

And while the top 11 teams will ultimately compete in the national tournament,Our team placed "3rd" and will compete in the national tournament on February 12, 2024!I am going to do it!

Toward the National Convention

We are already on the move.

Team members are,I am already thinking about what should be more leveled up on the Lego models and posters.

In the national competition, though, there will be "23 teams" in total: 11 teams from Tokyo and Kanagawa, 4 teams from Osaka, 4 teams from Nagoya, and 4 teams from Fukuoka,Only one team will qualify for the World Championships to be held in mid-April in the U.S.will be.

But in these "4 months",

Communication and discussion skills

Teamwork skills

English presentation skills

Not only was the increase inWe will definitely go to the World Championships! The team's sense of responsibilityis increasing.

We, as a team, will do our best to support them.

We hope you will support their challenge.


In GLI,New Members Wanted for Robot Programming Course, Aimed at FLL World Championships from April 2024I will do so.

We are looking for about 5 students (6-8 years old) to join this course starting April 2024 and be able to participate in the FLL Convention in 2024. We hope you will wait for the next details.

We hope to be able to report on the national conference again.

Thank you for reading this far!

GLI Instructor Bhushan (Japanese translation by Erica)

GLI's help for learning EnglishFree learning content."can be found here.