News - Musashi Kosugi School

Musashikosugi News

  • Events
  • 2023.08.31

The "LEGO and Scratch Fun Event," which filled up in just one day, will be held in September!

Hello, this is Tra🐯 from GLI Musashikosugi School.

Musashi Kosugi School's most popular eventScratch Fun Eventis,Held in "September" as "LEGO and Scratch fun eventThe following is a summary of the results!

Past Events

Actually, we did another collaborative project with LEGO in July,Eight seats filled in just one dayThe event became That very popular event was"Rescheduled with different content."I will do so, so please look forward to it again ^ ^.

What is Scratch?

I am sure that some of you may feel that "Scratch" is not a good idea. What is "Scratch"?Programming to create animations and games by moving blocks and combining them like a puzzle, just like a game.about. It was created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Learn the basics of programming visually and while having funand is used as a teaching material for beginners in programming, not only in Japan but also around the world.

What are the advantages of Scratch?

Frankly, there are many. Here it is.Three.Introduction.

(1) Improvement of problem-solving skills

When creating a program in Scratch,As we plan and proceed, we need to remove bugs (errors) and test to see if the system will function properly. Testing is necessary to ensure that the system is functioning properly.This is the first step in the process. By experiencing such a series of tasks, you will learn how to handle and solve problems that occur in front of you. This will lead to the improvement of such problem-solving skills.

(2) Improve critical thinking skills

Critical thinking is a way of thinking critically.Critical thinking helps us to understand things accurately and builds the foundation and skills for planning, problem solving, and decision making.

By cultivating this skill, you will be able to break down problems that arise into smaller steps, think logically, and find creative solutions when creating programs. Scratch is a great way to train such skills.

(3) Creativity can be enhanced.

Using Scratch to create games, animations, and other programs, Fun Event provides a fun and creative outlet for students as they use existing Scratch games as well as create new games from scratch.

Other."confidence building," "ability to collaborate with other users," "improved communication skills."These include.

What will we do at this LEGO and Scratch Fun Event?

For this event.Lego boost with scratchwith the title, using LEGO and Scratch,Create a new game "different from the last".You will be asked to do so.

And,Actual playYou will be asked to do it. Like this (*click on the video!)

Before starting the above activities, you will also learn some English words related to LEGO and Scratch, so by participating in this event, you will be able to learn more about LEGO and Scratch.

●LEGO and Scratch can be experienced while having fun

Develop programming skills

Cultivate creativity

You can also consolidate English vocabulary.

This is an advantage.

Scratch and other programming skills are,Information is essential for the 2025 Common University Entrance Examination.Essential skills for the future, such as becoming aThis is becoming the case.

So, why not learn such skills while having fun through games?

Participation fees are2,750 yen (1,100 yen for internal students, tax included)The following is an example of a case in point. However,If you are attending with a friendFree of chargewill be.

Again, we want to support each and every one of you.First eight to arrive.I will be happy to do so. If you are at all interested, please come and visit us!

LEGO and Scratch Event Details

Saturday, September 16, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

GLI Musashi Kosugi School (Access:

Grade level of participation
From 1st grade to 6th grade

Limited to the first 8 studentsFull house】※If you wish to attend, you will be placed on a "waiting list".

Participation fee
2,750 yen ("1,100 yen" for internal students)
*Participation with a friend.Free for both.will be.

11:00~11:10: Learn English words used in LEGO and Scratch
11:10~11:40: Create a LEGO set with the support of the instructor
11:40~12:00: Let's combine LEGO and Scratch to play a game!

How to apply
If you would like to participate in this "LEGO and Scratch Fun Event", please click the following button on the "GLI Official LINE",Message for "Scratch Fun Event"Please send us a

We will reply to your message with confirmation and details about the day's event.


add a friend

Again, expect the slots to fill up quickly.If you are interested, please register immediately. Would you like to learn "Scratch" and "LEGO" while having fun? We are looking forward to your child's participation ^ ^.

GLI Musashi Kosugi School Tora (Japanese translation by Erica)

GLI's help for learning EnglishFree learning content."can be found here.