
News & Topics

  • Notice
  • 2021.07.01


Hello, this is Kaburaki, GLI representative.


next (e.g. "next April")「7月11日(日)」indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.Global education and higher educationParent Study Group."will be held.


This time,Media Specializing in International SchoolsHe is the editor-in-chief of THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL TIMES,Involved in the current high-profile Harrow Abbey School and Rugby School's expansion into Japan.Mr. Manabu Murataをゲストにお招きした「講演会」をお届けします。

(*He has appeared on TV media in the past, including "Honma dekka! TV" and "Sukkiri" in the past.)


で、今回の講演会は、”知っている人だけが子供を幸せに導ける「世界視点の進学を考える」”The title of this presentation will be



The "M" in "M" is a "M" in "M".




ですが、そうなってきている背景として「インターナショナルスクールの増加」There are








Although,私たち親世代では経験したことがないであろう「インターナショナルスクール」It is.


何の情報もなく良し悪しはわかりませんし、「何も知らないから」という理由で、選択肢から外してしまうのも、お子様の可能性を狭めてしまい、かなり勿体無いI think.












The first participation is "free" for outside students as well!

The fee for this parent study session is5,000 yenIt is.(*There is no "participation fee" for GLI internal students.)


We have been allowed to publish this information for free every time before, but we have been able to charge for it in this way, starting with our guest, Mr. Manabu Murata,This is because we deliver highly valuable content, including "the latest information" that is known only to those working in front-line educational settings.


However,We want those who are new to GLI to feel familiar with our efforts because of this parent study session,First time only, even for outside students.The participation fee (normally 5,000 yen) is




You can participate in the next meeting for a fee. We hope you understand that from the next time you participate, you will be charged a fee.


However, we hope that you will be able to look forward to our participation and that we will deliver something that will satisfy your needs.



This "Parent Study Session" will be held on the following schedule









Participation fee
Internal students: 0 yen
External Students:Special 0 yen for first-time participants(Normally 5,000 yen)


If you are interested in the "Parent Study Group", please fill out the application form below now.



(in Japanese history)[Attention.If you are an outside student and repeating participant in the Parent Study Session, please start with the "Free Application". We will contact you about payment after confirmation).




If you have any questions on the day, please feel free to contact us.



● Official on line of GLI:


Please do not hesitate to contact us through




I and the entire GLI staff look forward to receiving your application.


GLI Representative Kaburaki



Profile of Special Guest "Manabu Murata


Born and raised in Torrance, California, USA.
He began his educational career as a "bombastic expatriate" who was expelled from his first school in life, kindergarten, after only two and a half days.


After returning to Japan, he graduated from public elementary, junior high, and high schools in Chiba, Saitama, and Tokyo, and majored in accounting at university.
As a returnee, she became interested in international schooling while attending a Japanese public school.


After working in school administration, he launched International School Times, an international educational media outlet, in April 2012 and became its editor-in-chief.
Later, he became the president of an international school in Tokyo, practiced school management, and served on the board of directors of an educational venture company.


He has been involved in the management of an educational non-profit organization and several educational companies, as well as the management of an international school and the development of media and new projects.


He is the editor-in-chief of THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL TIMES, a media outlet specializing in international schools.


Next Generation International Educational Media
He is the editor-in-chief of International Education NEXT.


Media appearances, etc.
TV: Fuji Television Network, Inc. TV", Nippon Television Network Corporation, "Sukkiri", etc.
Newspaper: Nihon Keizai Shimbun, "Ask an Increasing Number of International School Experts"
Radio: Nippon Broadcasting System, Inc.
Web media: Articles and interviews have appeared in various media including Toyo Keizai, President, Asahi Shimbun Miranobi, and others.


Representative Director, Seven Seas Capital Holdings, Inc.
Auditor of NPO Sodachiba Project
Education Rattle Pong Project Member


【【Free gift ①]

Supervised by GLI, an English language school specializing in four English skills
Report on Recommended English Picture Books to Improve English Skills (Elementary School Students)
is also being offered as a free gift!

Please make friends with GLI on LINE@ andGLI Elementary School StudentsPlease message me with the following information.


【【Free gift 2 (for kindergarten children)]

English picture books" that will help you get used to English in a fun way and improve your English skills.The following is a summary of the following information.
me tooFree of chargeWe present it in the following table.

Please make friends with GLI on LINE@ andGLI Picture BookPlease message me with the following information.