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  • 2021.03.16

Why do we need to dispose of trash correctly?

Hello, this is Kaburaki, GLI representative.


Today's blog themeWhy do we need to dispose of our trash correctly?"But until now, your children have been telling you


'Why do we have to throw the trash away correctly? We can do it together."


Have you ever asked the question.


As a parent, you need to make sure that you're doing the right thing at a time like that.The reason."How do you think we should teach about I think it's probably ...


I'm trying to protect the earth.


I think I would tell you that,Smart (or cunning) childrenIf it is,


Why should we protect the planet?"


The question comes back to me. How would you explain to them that this is the case?


Many people have trouble explainingThe earth must be protected!"Emotionally, such asThey may return it.


This means that children will not understand properly and will not separate garbage, and in the worst case, they may even litter.


Just,This is not a bad explanation on your part, but children are different from adults.


You have to experience it to understand it."


It is aAdults can understand the theory and logic in their heads as long as it is well established, but children (especially elementary school students) are not so easily able to do so.It is.


That is why I am,The need for parents to provide an environment where children can experience on a daily basisThe company is appealing to the


And so on,Children understand not only with their bodies, but also with their minds, and if they are interested from there, they will learn and explore on their own.From.


And this time about the garbage,Why do we have to separate garbage correctly? What happens when we do?About,Necessity of "making them understand" through experienceThere is a


Therefore, GLI is pleased to announce that we will beAn event on the theme of "Garbage Problem."to do so.

(*Picture shows the garbage problem in Cebu, Philippines.)


If you join usWhy must the trash be thrown out correctly?"and also understand it in their minds,Your daily perspective and response to garbage will change completely.


You will become an environmentally conscious person, and you will be able to teach your friends around you how to properly dispose of trash.It will be like this.


That event was this year's【【Spring School (STEAM Program)]It is.


STEAM Program Contents

In this STEAM program.over "two days."SDG Goal #14: Protect the Abundance of Our Oceans."theme,Explore the "garbage problem" around the worldThe following is a list of the most common problems with the


First.[Knowing].This year's program begins with the following.


The SDGs."What is the

And that is the theme of this issue.Fourteenth, "Let's Protect the Abundance of the Sea."Regarding,What is the state of the world and what kind of efforts are being made?The teacher will share with you about the following information, and you will be asked to do your own research using the worksheet.


By the way, one of the things the teacher will share on the day is about the garbage problem.3R"This is an initiative called


What is "3R"?It is an acronym for Reduce (reduce waste), Reuse (use repeatedly), and Recycle (reuse as a resource).


It is also used in Japan, but to be honest, you don't hear about it very often. Just,A universal language that is taken for granted in other countriesIt is. They will learn about such 3R efforts overseas.

By being able to learn about foreign initiatives,Comparison of good and bad aspects of Japan and other countrieswill be able to do so.


Once we are able to do such things, we will be able to take advantage of such initiatives in other countries and try to do the same in Japan, taking advantage of the ideas. This will lead to further exploration, such as


Incidentally, the GLI program does not end with just the inputs that you learn. After the "knowing" process[Thinking].It is.


I would do this! and then give a presentation in which they output their ideas in English, and also consolidate the knowledge they have learned.


And not only that, but this time,Make a "recycling car" with Lego programming,[ (e.g. of art)I'm going to try it.We also do this.

Not only can you learn about programming,The experience of "giving shape to your child's idea" will be a big plus in his or her future school life.


At the end of the program, the participants are asked to summarize what they have learned in one poster and present it in English in front of the whole group.


In addition to learning input, the program also provides outputs such as LEGO programming and English presentations to consolidate the knowledge learned and stimulate further interest.


Would you like to join such a "STEAM Program"?


STEAM Program Overview

Thursday, March 25 - Friday, March 26


9:00 - 15:00 (total of 12 hours of short-term program)


Capacity & Venue
Limited to 10 students (@GLI Harumi School)


Participation fee
GLI students: 29,000 yen (including materials fee)
Outside students: 31,000 yen (including materials fee)


Not only can you improve your English skills, but you can also learn about the SGDs and overseas garbage issues, change your daily awareness of garbage, and hone your programming skills. And yet, it is very affordable for outside students to learn for "2,500 yen" per hour.


If you are interested in attending or would like to hear more about the details, please contact us,






● Official on line of GLI:


inPlease contact us with "STEAM Program."We will send you details on the day of the event. (*If you have already announced your participation, you do not need to contact us again.)


This is a unique opportunity to explore more about foreign countries. We look forward to seeing your child participate.


GLI Representative Kaburaki