Notices - Harumi School

Harumi News

  • Events
  • 2023.10.16

Why don't you come and see a GLI student's [English presentation] in person?

Hello, I am Queen, a GLI instructor.

Oct. 29 (Sun.)One of GLI's popular events inPresentation Day" was held.I will do so!

Presented by GLI Harumi School

Excitement, excitement, and a sense of accomplishment!

That's exactly what it is.GLI PresentationThis is an emotion that occurs in

On this day,The culmination of all previous studies and efforts, and a day to showcase the students' amazing talents and knowledge.will be.

Again."Three classrooms held jointly."It is!Why don't you come and see such a "special day"?

The first is the "M" in the "M".

That said, some of you may not yet have a clear picture in your mind about GLI's presentation day, so I hope you will take a look at last year's photos ^ ^.

Harumi School

The Hiroo School

Musashi Kosugi School

What do you think? Did you get the idea?

Why does GLI give "English Presentations"?

Before I get to the meat of it, let me reiterate.Presentation Day."I would like to organize the following.

It is,This is an event where students studying at GLI present their personal growth in the form of an "English presentation" in front of a large audience.

Unlike so-called speech contests, etc., where rankings are based on content and presentation skills, GLI's Presentation Day is just that,A place to "present the results of daily learning and exploration.We are committed to being a

is by having them showcase the results of their daily English study and exploration, which they have continued to do every day, not just as an add-on,I want them to feel confident and experience success, that "continued effort leads to growth," and that "accumulated deeds lead to great results."From.

This experience will be used for futureMotivates not only English learning but also various other types of learningI believe that this is a good thing.

Benefits of Participation

In addition, this time, by viewing the presentations for each school building,You can also get a clearer sense of the efforts of each school and the atmosphere of the students who attend there.The following is a brief description of the product.

So, for those who are considering GLI in the future,Good opportunity to get to know the atmosphere of the classroom and students in advance.will be.

Also at this presentation day,Instructor explains each curriculum at GLIand observe a variety of class presentations.

Therefore,Gain a better understanding of the GLI curriculum and visualize your child's future growthIt is also a great advantage to be able to

For this event.Free for internal students as well as external students & parentsIt is!

We hope you will enjoy it and can feel and imagine your child's growth.GLI's Presentation Day."Please come to the

Presentation Day Details

Oct. 29 (Sun.)
Harumi School: 10:00 - 11:00 (Covered Classes(AA, AA+, BB, CC), 13:00 - 14:00 (Covered Classes(DD PBL, EE IBL, EE PBL, G1, G2)
Hiroo School: 10:30 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 14:00
Musashi Kosugi School: 12:00-13:00(Covered Classes: AA + BB, CC, DD, DD PBL, EE and G4)

Each classroom (no online delivery)
*Please join us at your preferred time.

Participation feefree

How to apply
If you would like to participate in the Presentation Day, please click on the "GLI Official Line" button below,Message for "Presentation DayPlease send us a

We will reply to your message with confirmation and details about the day's event.


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If you are interested, please come visit us! It will be a great way to inspire your child to learn English.

GLI Instructor Queen (Japanese translation by Erica)

GLI's help for learning EnglishFree learning content."can be found here.