
News & Topics

  • Events
  • 2022.07.08

Study Abroad Seminar" for "junior high and high school students" was held!

Hello, this is Kaburaki, GLI representative. First of all, I would like to introduce the followingQuestion."Please answer the following questions.


Q1: "What a busy but boring day. I wonder if there are middle and high school students out there who have a sense of fulfillment?" I think.

Q2: "Does anyone have a definite future, a high school or college they want to go to, or a job they want to do?" I think.

Q3: "I feel like I need to do something, but I don't know where to start, and every day time just flies by as I am busy with my studies and club activities." I feel like I have to do something, but I don't know where to start.

Q4: "I feel that my parents are nagging me to study and study hard, and at school they are nagging me to decide on a career path..."

Q5: "I have some idea of my career path, but am I sure this is the right choice?" I am worried.

Q6: "I have a feeling that I want to study abroad, but the cost is too high and I can't talk to my parents about it." Q6: "I want to study abroad, but the cost is too high and I can't tell my parents.


What do you think?YES"How many were there?


The first is the "M" in the "M".


If,Those who answered "YES" to at least one of the followingPlease be assured that we will do everything we can to help you!Many middle and high school students feel this way. You are not alone!


But it is also true that worrying won't get anything started! The best solution is,


Listen to the seniors!


It is. So, for middle and high school students who are thinking about their career path and future.Study Abroad Seminars for Middle and High School StudentsWe will hear directly from MOMOKO, a high school student currently studying abroad at UWC Adriatic, about her experience with UWC Adriatic.


Also, a GLI staff member with extensive study abroad experience will be a speaker,Share your own study abroad and overseas experienceYou will be asked to do so.


So, by attending this event and listening to the stories of our seniors,


● Expanding options for higher education, study abroad, etc!

Meet like-minded people!

● The anxiety can be eliminated!


You will be able to do so. By the way, the participation fee isFree of chargeThe following is a list of the most common problems with theWe hope you will join us,Opportunities to think about your career path and futureI would like to have it to be


Guest & Speaker Introductions

Guest SpeakerMOMOKO.

Studied for two years at UWC Adriatic, a boarding school international in Italy, graduating this spring. He plans to pursue political science and Middle East studies in France.


Speaker: HIKARI

He has traveled to 14 countries, including volunteering in the United States and Kenya, and studying at Folkehøjskole, a boarding school in Denmark.


Speaker: KANA

He has traveled to 13 countries, including two study-abroad programs in Canada and two in Cebu, Philippines.


Speaker: KENTA

Staff member of Inquiry Academy Tokyo. Mainly in charge of career guidance. Graduated from Chiba University, Faculty of Education. Hobbies include camping and fishing.


Study Abroad Seminar Details

July 16 (Saturday) 16:30-18:00
Venue] GLI Hiroo School (2 minutes walk from Hiroo Station)

Internal and external students (*External students can also watch via Zoom)
Number of persons] 10Limited to 1 person
Participation feefree
Application DeadlineFriday, July 15
How to applyPlease press the button on the official GLI LINE below and send a message with "Study Abroad Seminar".


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Listening to your seniors will definitely broaden your choices. Also, if you can hear stories of failure from your seniors, you will be able to avoid future mistakes and regrets.I hope you will not miss this opportunity. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Click here to apply (Please leave a message with "Study Abroad Seminar.")


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GLI Representative Kaburaki