Announcements - Hiroo School

Hiroo News

  • Events
  • 2021.12.10

A trip to explore the diversity of the world】Do you have an interest in an event where you can interact with your peers from overseas while staying in Japan?

Hello, this is Kaburaki, GLI representative.







2022年1月、GLI広尾校で開催するWinter School."Ha,そんな中高生にぴったりのイベントIt is.
(武蔵小杉校で開催するウィンタースクールとは内容が異なります。そちらも是非チェックしてみてください。詳しくはthis way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker))



At GLI初となる中高生向けプログラムとして開催された8月のサマーキャンプでは、6ヶ国の方々と参加者の皆さまをオンラインでつなぎ、各国の文化や多様な価値観に触れたり、英語を使ってディスカッションをしたりしましたThe following is a list of the most common problems with the




参加した生徒さん達みな、最初は緊張していた様子が伺えましたが、徐々に積極的に質問が飛び交うようになり、最終日には、学んだことについて素晴らしいプレゼンテーションを披露The company did.


今回のウィンタースクールでも複数国からゲストスピーカーを迎え, ,「宗教」をテーマに交流とディスカッションThe following is a list of the most common types of products that can be used.


「宗教」というと、ちょっと難しく感じるかもしれません。ですが、文化や生活に影響を及ぼす大きな要素であり、海外の人と交流を深めるときに必ず意識することになりますThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

まずは、宗教の違いから生まれる年末年始やクリスマスの過ごし方の違いに触れ、日本での「当たり前」が当たり前でないことを知りますThe following is a list of the most common problems with the



サマーキャンプは全員オンラインでの参加でしたが、ウィンタースクールはオフラインでの開催です。同じ空間で直接顔を合わせることで、より密接にコミュニケーションを取ることができますThe following is a list of the most common problems with the


Also,会話が双方向で活発になるよう、参加者も10名に限定して開催I will do so.


Guest Introductions

ご登場いただくゲストをご紹介I will do so. ブータン出身のTenzin Udenさん、日本のインターナショナルスクールに通う17歳It is.


I’m Tenzin Uden and I recently turned 17. I’m from Bhutan also known as the last heaven on earth. I’m currently studying in grade 12 at an international school located in Karuizawa. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.


もう一人のゲストは、マレーシア出身で同じく日本のインターナショナルスクールに通うShimba OnishiさんIt is.


Hi! My name is Shimba Onishi, I am a student at UWCISAK Japan and although I am fully Japanese, I was born and raised in Malaysia, my dream is to become a psychotherapist. To be able to help others that are in need!




ウィンタースクールで交流するゲストは、様々な国出身の同世代。異なる文化的背景を持つ彼らから話を聞くことは、刺激となり、視野を広げてくれるでしょうThe following is a list of the most common problems with the


ウィンタースクールでは、ゲストの話を一方的に聞くだけでなく、英語を使ってのディスカッション、学んだことを発表するためのプレゼンテーションを行いますThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

However,自分の言葉で英語を使い、相手に考えていることや疑問に思うことを話し、伝わった時の感動は、強い自信につながりますThe following is a list of the most common problems with the



ウィンタースクールでは、海外経験や異文化への興味・関心が同じ仲間と、直接会ってコミュニケーションを取るYou can do this.






VenueGLI Hiroo School


Targets & Capacity
中高生・First 10 applicants
*Please consult with us in advance if you wish to attend as an elementary school student.

Participation fee
→directional marker or indicator早期申込特典! 12月24日までindicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.



「興味があるのですが、すべての日程には参加できなくて、、」If you are saying,1日のみからの参加も可能ですThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

GLIのウィンタースクールにご興味をお持ちの方は、以下のフォームよりお申し込みくださいThe following is a list of the most common problems with the






GLIに新規ご入会(中学生以上の場合):No admission fee (30,000 yen)






If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Please contact us from






Hi My name is Iichiro
I’m from Japan but most of my life I’ve been living abroad.
I lived in Moscow, Russia for 6 years and in the UK for 6 years as well.
That’s why currently I can speak Russian, English and Japanese.
Let me know if you want to learn some basic Russian!

In the UK I went to a prep school called Summer Fields School located in Oxford.
For my Public school I went to Rugby school which is located in Warwickshire.
You might now Rugby School as this is the origin for the sport Rugby!
My hobbies are playing Golf, seeing cool cars and Egyptology which is the study of Ancient Egypt.

Currently I’m the project Consultant of various different projects helping them with the aspect of Diversity through the lens of History.

I really enjoy meeting people with various different backgrounds so I can’t wait to travel the world with all of you!

See you soon in the session!


Hello! My name is Hikari.

My hobbies are playing the piano, singing and horseback riding.

I also love traveling and I’ve been to 14 countries such as the US, Kenya and Denmark for exploring, volunteering and studying.

I spent last year at Danish folk high school. I lived in a diverse community there and I enjoyed exposing myself to new things.

As an English leaner, I know that communicating in English can be challenging. But once you have a courage to do iy, I believe that it opens the doors to new perspectives.

I am excited to see you and discover the world together!


Free gift!

We have prepared a "GLI-style English Preparation Report for the 2022 Common University Entrance Test" to analyze the "Common University Entrance Test" that began this year and to discuss future countermeasures.this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)Free of chargeWe present it in the following table.

Please make friends with GLI on LINE@ andThe Common Test."Please message me with the following information.