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  • 2020.01.03

My personal plan to make my children truly happy when they grow up (Part 2)

Hello, this is Kaburaki, GLI representative.


good day (daytime greeting)A Personal Plan to Make Children Truly Happy When They Grow Up, Part 2to you. (*If you have not yet read "Part 1", we recommend that you read it here.


Facts that parents should be aware of

parent and child

As I told you in Part 1,When I was a child, many people were involved with one child.


They did not force answers on us, but showed us lessons from each side.


Even when my parents were angry at me, my grandparents covered for me, and in my case, the aunt in my previous house was kind to my siblings and me anyway. So I had many places to escape.


Like the homeroom teachers, the club teachers were also very influential. If you ask me who was the scariest person in those days, it was definitely my club advisor. Sweat


Above all, it was "friends" that I trusted the most. If you asked me who was the best person to talk to back then, I would have answered "my friends" first. I would answer "my friends" first.


Neighbors came and went incessantly to the house, and there was no room for seclusion.


The adults in the children's association, the youth sports leaders, and the cram school teachers all felt that they could be counted on to be there if anything went wrong.


On the other hand, if I misbehaved, they would immediately get angry with me, and because of the close ties in the community, they knew who I was right away. I was immediately recognized because of the close ties in the community.


Some were friendly, some were troublesome, some were rich, some not so rich.


I've grown up confronting a lot of people on really -----.


Academic foundation = human smell?

To put it simply,I can tell you that this is the difference between the educated people of the past and the educated people of today.I think.


The difference between a child who went to college "with the above experiences" and a child who went to college "without any of the above experiences" is probably immeasurable.


Education is a three-way process involving the family, school, and community,is an important truth of pedagogy.


The psychological safety of being able to trust the relationships with relatives, community and friends, and the freedom to make decisions and act on the premise that failure is to some extent forgiven (tolerated),


And I believe that children are now being deprived of the sense of humanity, sadness, and joy that comes from absorbing diverse values from an early age, and from a sense of belonging and miscellaneous human relationships.


If adults do not absolutely understand this fact first, no matter how much academic ability they pile on top of it, they will not be able to lead a happy life as a human being.


The events listed here are very difficult to describe in a few words.


But could it not be that the Japan described by the Pope is precisely the result of the lack of feeling described here?


Human education is a potato wash

Human education is not something that can be done in a classroom.


Like washing potatoes, they are washed by bumping into many people, and only then do they lose their corners and naturally become rounded like human beings.


If so,We need to think carefully about what kind of environment and experiences we should provide for children who will grow up to be adults without this rumbling.


Can we give them the education we have somehow received, with a somewhat unclear purpose?


With Japanese society said to be undergoing major changes after the Tokyo Olympics, and with the advent of AI and robots, we are facing an unpredictable society, in other words, we need to launch a sturdy mast that can set sail firmly before a major storm is sent our way.


Originally, the role of the community and school education was to establish the mast of humanity.


Now that this function has been diminished by the monopolistic education for examinations and various other causes, I believe that only parents can stand up to the mast.


What do you want them to be able to do?

So what should we do? I will write about it specifically in the next three episodes, but a few last things.


I think the theme of the debate about education so far has been, roughly, "Where should everyone send their children?" I believe that the theme of the education debate so far has been "Which school should my child go to?


Now the subject of this discussion is, 'What do you want us to be able to do by when?'How about changing it to


What kind of thoughts and mindset do you want them to have, and what kind of training (learning and experience) do you want them to have?


Thinking of it this way, won't you be able to look at your child with a warm feeling, free from the frustration of not studying or not studying?

At the end of the New Year vacation, why don't you and your wife, or if you wish, your children, join in the discussion?


GLI Representative Kaburaki


Video for you to know along with
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Learning Compass 2030 (Japanese translation)



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