Announcements - Hiroo School

Hiroo News

  • Hiroo
  • 2024.06.17

Why not make it a fun and challenging 5 days this summer? Hiroo Summer School! Participation benefits also!

Hello! This is SJ from GLI Hiroo School!

This summer, Hiroo School will be open for 5 days from 7/29 (Mon.) to 8/2 (Fri.),Dare to be Great!"theme,Fun and "various challenges"You will be challenged to

There are also team-based challenges!

Students learn the importance of making their own decisions.

The famous ShakespeareanLife is a series of choices.As he famously said,Life is a series of choices every dayIt is.

And if you have dreams and goals,Choice is so important that the "right choice" can lead to the achievement of the goal.It is a thing of the past.

But before the act of choice, we must discard something and choose something else.Decisions."There is always a

If you make the decision toIf you're leaving it to others, such as your friends or teachers, it's a waste.It may be.

Because, your life is your own,Making your own decisions and taking charge of your life.Ko,Not only the achievement of dreams and goals,Important for a fulfilling life.That is why.

And as a parent,An "independent child" who can make his or her own decisions and lead his or her own life.I hope that they will grow up to be

If you are planning to enter junior high school, high school, and eventually study abroad, you will have more opportunities to think for yourself, make decisions, and take responsibility for those decisions,The decisiveness to make the right choice."school (e.g. of ikebana)Skills that will be important in the futureIt will become a

That is why, in this summer school,

✔︎ in a completely English environment
✔︎ with challenging activities every day.
✔︎ Experience thinking for yourself and overcoming this on your own and with your team.

We hope that you will be able to improve not only your "English ability" but also your "English ability" by doing

✔︎ Thinking
✔︎ Determination
✔︎ Confidence (Self-assurance)

to a higher levelWe will continue to do so.

Also, by participating in this summer school, the day-to-day efforts,Become more responsible for your decisions and act on them than ever beforeI am sure you will.

Introduction of various challenges

In this summer school,5 hours from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. x 5 days (25 hours total),Prepare for fun and daring challenges that will test you mentally as well as physicallyI am doing this!

There must be some experiences that you have never had before,A great summer to remember!It should be! ^ ^

7/29: Cooking

On the first day of the the theme. But it is not just about cooking.

The students are.Money Management."Learn about theChallenge to create a budget-friendly, yet delicious meal with your teamYou will be asked to do the following

What to make? What and where to buy to keep costs down? Etc.Various decisions and choices must be made by the team.

7/30: First Aid & Bouldering

Day 2.Bouldering."is the main one. However, in case ofFirst Aid.You will also learn about

You never know when trouble will strike.In preparation for such an emergency, students will learn basic first aid.

And although bouldering can be a challenge that requires a lot of physical strength, we hope that you will do your best to reach the highest goal.

The most important thing, however, is,To end the day without major accidents or problems.It is. Yes,I hope there is no "trouble",

7/31: Mind Over Matter

The third day was different from the previous ones.Know your strengths and weaknesses."The students are asked to go deep into their own inner selves, with the main focus on

To know your strengths as well as your weaknesses,It is also an opportunity to strengthen your strengths and by acknowledging your weaknesses,Not only to reduce stress and anxiety, but also to recognize and empathize with othersYou can also do this.

In this session, under the guidance of Dr. Carol, a professional psychoanalyst, she will first introduce various experiences she has had and how she can face her inner self. She will also share her own experiences.

And,"An activity."You will be asked to do the following, learn about your strengths and weaknesses, and finally, be courageous,Ask everyone to make a presentation.

Such is the output from within,Transform your child's mental health into a stronger oneThis should be the case.

8/1: "Orienteering" Escape Room

Day 4.Orienteering."The outdoor activities are called

In orienteering, participants usually go around the points indicated on a map in a predetermined order and compete for the time to reach the goal, but this time, it was as ifThe Exploration and Riddle-Solving Game."and will be a team activity to find clues on the field, investigate, and reach the goal.

To capture this activity,Thinking, decision-making, communicationA variety of skills are required, including

And there may be "unexpected developments" waiting for you that could affect the fate of your team. That's where the test comes in.Courage and determination.will be.

8/2: Reflections/Presentation, Game

The last day was spent reflecting on what we experienced throughout the summer camp and how we are in the titleDare to be Great."Whether you have aEnglish PresentationYou will be asked to make a presentation at the

Five days in all. Through enriching daily activities,Growth not only in English language skills, but also in courage, determination, and many other areas.should be seen!

Why don't you join GLI Hiroo's summer camp as one of your memories this summer? ^ ^

Participation Fee

this timeFive-day summer camp."However,

You can develop your "English skills" in a completely English environment.

Through a program of "challenging every day" activities

Cultivate the ability to think, make decisions, and develop self-confidence, which are necessary for life in the future.

I am proud to say that this is a very worthwhile program, with a fairly intense content of 5 hours a day "25 hours in total".

However,We want many of our students to acquire not only English language skills but also the ability to make decisions and lead a fulfilling life.With this in mind, we have set the price at 60,000 yen (tax included) for the 5-day program. (*External students will be charged 70,000 yen (tax included).

I've had so many experiences and experiences.Only "2,400 yen" per hourIt is.

If you feel that this program is worth it, then the participation fee is quite inexpensive.

Your "wish" will come true if you attend! Special offer!

If you participate in this Hiroo Summer School,A surprise raffle called "Make a WishThere are

This is the one, I want to buy that dress! I want to see that show! I want to go to Disney! etc,Whatever your child wants to do, GLI can do it!This is the case. (*Only realistic wishes of $20,000 or less will be granted.)

So, if you participate in Summer, you can do what your children are begging you to do.

✔︎ makes you love English even more!

✔︎ There is a lot of growth as a person, including determination and confidence.

✔︎ You'll get what you want and you'll thank us for it.

and this Hiroo Summer is full of good things!

However, due to the supportOnly the first 15 people to arrive each session.It is. So if you are interested, please join us.

Hiroo Summer School: "Dare to be Great" Details

7/29 (Mon.) - 8/2 (Fri.)
The hours are "9:30 to 14:30 (5 hours: 25 hours in total)" every day.

GLI Hiroo School

Age Range
7 to 15 years old

Program*The schedule for the day will be updated as needed.
DAY1: Cooking
DAY2: First Aid & Bouldering
DAY3: Mind Over Matter
DAY 4: "Orienteering" Escape Room
DAY5: Reflections/Presentation, Game

Participation fee
Internal students and GEC Standard members: 60,000 yen (tax included) 2,400 yen per hour
Outside students and GEC free members: 70,000 yen (tax included) 2,800 yen per hour

*The GEC Event Membership, which allows you to participate in the same events as internal students without paying the first month's membership fee, is available.this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)You can join from (Some events are open to members with different membership statuses and have different entry fees.)

Participation Benefits
Surprise raffle "Make a Wish
(*Limited to realistic wishes under 20,000 yen, GLI will grant whatever you like)

Only the first 15 applicants

How to apply
If you are interested in participating in the "Hiroo Summer School," click on the "GLI Official LINE" button below,Message from "Hiroo SummerPlease send us a

We will reply to your message with confirmation and details about the day's event.


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This summer,Those who want their children to not only "improve their English ability" but also to develop "experience", "experience", and "determination" which are important in their future life.We hope you will join us for this summer school, "Dare to be Great"!

We look forward to having your child join us.

GLI Instructor SJ (Japanese translation by Erica)

From May.GLI Representative Kaburaki's Instagramhas started.

The New Normal in Education: Expanding Children's Potential."We provide short videos on the theme of

I've only just started, so I don't have many videos,You can learn about the current educational situation and broaden your career path and options.I would like to upload information in a steady stream.

We hope you will follow us and like our site.

Kaburaki's installations

[P.S. 2
GLI's help for learning EnglishFree learning content."can be found here.