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Musashikosugi News

  • Events
  • 2023.09.30

Scratch Course "Free Trial Session" will be held every week in October!

Hello! This is Iwata from GLI Musashikosugi School.

Whenever we hold an event, it fills up quickly!"You can hone your English and programming skills."GLI's Scratch Course.

Such is the Scratch course,Free Trial Session" for October only.In addition, this free trial will be held at the same time! In addition, this free trial isWe will be "weekly", so you can participate whenever you like!You can

What is Scratch?

I am sure that some of you may feel that "Scratch" is not a good idea. What is "Scratch"?Programming to create animations and games by moving blocks and combining them like a puzzle, just like a game.about. It was created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Learn the basics of programming visually and while having funand is used as a teaching material for beginners in programming, not only in Japan but also around the world.

What are the advantages of Scratch?

Frankly, there are many. Here it is.Three.Introduction.

(1) Improvement of problem-solving skills

When creating a program in Scratch,As we plan and proceed, we need to remove bugs (errors) and test to see if the system will function properly. Testing is necessary to ensure that the system is functioning properly.This is the first step in the process. By experiencing such a series of tasks, how should we handle and solve problems that occur in front of us? SuchImproved problem-solving skillsThis leads to

(2) Improve critical thinking skills

Critical thinking is a way of thinking critically.Critical thinking helps us to understand things accurately and builds the foundation and skills for planning, problem solving, and decision making.

As that skill is developed, problems that arise can be broken down into smaller steps when creating a program,Able to think logically and find creative solutionsYou can train such skills through Scratch. Scratch is a great way to train such skills.

(3) Creativity can be enhanced.

Students can use Scratch to create games, animations, and other programs, and Fun Event is fun for students as they use existing Scratch games as well as create new games from scratch.Enhancing CreativityThe place will be a place

Other."confidence building," "ability to collaborate with other users (through Scratch)," and "improved communication skills."These include.

What are the features of GLI's Scratch courses?

GLI's Scratch course has two main features.

(i)Full English environmentYou can learn Scratch in

(2)Tailored to your child's level of English.You can take the course.

It is!

Therefore,Children who are not yet proficient in English can enjoy themselves at an optimal level without worry,Learn English, programming skills, etc.You can do this.

There are three Scratch courses in total

allCourses divided by "English level" and "Scratch experienceI hope you will find this information useful in selecting a course.

Scratch Junior Course

This course isEnglish beginner who would like to try Scratch."The program is intended for people who are

The English used is gentle and the scratch content is for beginners.First of all, since it will beFor those who would like to give it a try.This course is also recommended for

Actual text

Dates and times of classes
Every Tuesday 15:50-16:50

Scratch Senior Course

This course isEnglish level of English proficiency for which I would like to try Scratch is about Eiken ®︎5 level.The program is intended for people who are

People who want to get the basics of scratching while using more recommended for this course.

Actual text

Dates and times of classes
Every Monday 17:00-18:00

New Course (3) Scratch Advance Course

This course is'Want to learn at a high English level and have experience with Scratch'This new course is designed for people with The English level is about the same as Eiken ®︎3 level.

Those who want to do something more advanced with Scratch.This course is recommended for

Dates and times of classes
Every Friday 18:10-19:10

Lesson Amount

Each Scratch course consists of "one 60-minute lesson per week" and the monthly fee is as follows

Junior/Advance Course: 22,000 yen/month, including tax (*Combined student: 13,200 yen/month, including tax)
Senior Course: 19,800 yen/month, including tax (*Combined student: 11,880 yen/month, including tax)

Separate PC rental fee (1,000 yen/month, tax included)
*Admission fee of 30,000 yen (tax included) is required for outside students.
A separate classroom maintenance fee of 2,200 yen (tax included/month) will be charged.

There are other classes where you can learn Scratch, though,GLI Musashi Kosugi is the only school where you can learn both English and Scratch!It is.

Also,Scratch and other programming skills are,Information is essential for the 2025 Common University Entrance Examination.Essential skills for the future, such as becoming aThis is becoming the case.

such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener)English and Scratch can be learned together for "about 5,000 yen per sessionis a very good value.

Free trial sessions are offered every week in October.We are open to everyone, so why don't you come and visit us on a day that is convenient for you?

Scratch Course Free Trial Session Details

Trial Day Schedule
Junior Course (English & Scratch for beginners)
Every Tuesday 15:50-16:50
Date: 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31

Senior Course (English level: EIKEN level 5 & Scratch beginners)
Every Monday 17:00-18:00
Date: 10/16, 10/23, 10/30 (*Closed on 10/9 for national holiday)

Advance Course (for students with English level of EIKEN Level 3 & Scratch experience)
Every Friday 18:10-19:10
Date: 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27

Deadline for receipt of applications: 3 days prior to the desired participation date

GLI Musashi Kosugi School (


How to apply
If you would like to participate in this "Scratch Free Trial Session," click on the following button on the official GLI LINE,Scratch Experience" and "Preferred Dates of Participation" messagePlease send us a

We will reply to your message with confirmation and details about the day's event.


add a friend

Through this course, students will acquire the English and programming skills they will need in the future while having fun.

You may feel, "My child has never played Scratch or anything like that." You may feel, "My child has never played Scratch or anything like that,Many students start as beginnersPlease be assured that we have done so.

If you are at all interested, why don't you try Scratch at a free trial session first?

We look forward to seeing you and your children at the event.

GLI Musashi Kosugi School Iwata

GLI's help for learning EnglishFree learning content."can be found here.