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  • 2020.12.22

Why can an "ordinary elementary school student" pass "Eiken Level 2"?



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さて、GLIでは、世界で活躍する「グローバル人材育成」を目的に、"An ordinary elementary school student with no overseas experience."evenObtained EIKEN Level 2.and has helped various students improve their English language skills.


Every student.Results as good as skipping a gradeSome of our students have gone on to higher education abroad.


In the last Eiken first test held inA student in the 5th grade of elementary school passed EIKEN Level 3.Passed with "plenty of time to spareI am doing this.

With this score and ability.I'll be ready for Levels 2 and 3 in no time.I think it is.


Why are we able to achieve so many "results"?

The reason.Two.Yes, there is.


Secret 1) Textbooks

The biggest secret for ordinary elementary school students to pass Eiken Level 2 isText."It is.

(*Image shows text at CC level (1st and 2nd grade elementary school).


The text, which took five years to develop, isThe four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking are well balanced and well organized.


The FF class (for 6th grade elementary school students) is composed of Eiken Level 2 level vocabulary, sentences, and grammar.


if you put it that wayI thought, "Words and sentences at the level of Eiken Level 2 must be difficult for elementary school students."You may feel that


But there is a reason why elementary school students still enjoy learning. That is.CLIL."It is.


What is CLIL?"It's a style of learning where you don't study the English language itself, but use it to learn other content."It is.


Therefore, GLI's textbooks are designed to keep children interested in「世界探究とSTEAM」を中心に展開I am doing this.

(*The image is a textbook for EE level (5th and 6th grade elementary school). Students will also learn about other countries through English.)


In other words, the textbooks are high-level and fun at the same time, and children will enjoy working with English.


And naturally, students acquire English proficiency at the level of Eiken Level 2. That is why even elementary school students are achieving the same level of results as skipping a grade.


Secret 2) Study Program

Textbooks alone are not enough. The point is,How do we get kids excited about English without making them bored?


In this regard, GLI has a secret to its "learning program". It isImmersion."It is.


イマ―ジョンとは簡単に言うと"A method of language acquisition in which communication is conducted in English only, without any Japanese."It is.


I'll say this again,Can you understand English when spoken to you in a language you know nothing about?"You may wonder.


However, I would like you to think about it,That's how we learned Japanese too.I think.


In other words, at GLI,Learn English the same way native speakers learn English.It may be safe to say that


So, in the GLI study program,Instead of learning English itself, students will interact with English through research and work on world affairs and scientific content.


In other words, at GLI"A variety of real-life experiences through the English language."You will be asked to do the followingThat's why you can learn English.


Specific examples,Discussing with classmates in English,


We have fun together and do group work,


English presentation,


I communicate with overseas students via Skype,


Learn about the SDGs and share your opinions,




Such as,There are many "motivators" and "experiences" available to make you want to speak and write English anyway.The GLI's study programs are designed to help students learn the language of the world.


Because of GLI's unique "textbooks" and "study programs," you will acquire high-level English skills that are not just fun.


That is why we are able to achieve English test results that amaze people around us, as well as to enter schools overseas.
















GLIでも英語絵本を使ったレッスンも行なっております。そんな英語教育のプロがオススメする「英語絵本のリスト」will be presented.









So there,He is a representative of GLI,As a civilian principal学校法人や学校経営の現場を知る私、鏑木が『アフターコロナの「教育・学校・受験」はどうなる?』と題した最新の「教育解説動画」をプレゼントします。














GLI Representative Kaburaki



【GLI代表:鏑木稔(かぶらき みのる)プロフィール】

24年に渡り個別指導の学習塾を経営。22教室2200名の生徒数を擁する迄に発展。 グローバル時代の到来を予見し「株式会社ジプロス」を設立し同社代表取締役に就任。


本格的英語力や探究学習、PBLなどを運営に積極的に取り入れる。 また教育の科学的根拠の証明をする為、セールスフォースを利用したエビデンス教育を実践。









only just now「iPad」や「電子辞書」を無料プレゼントしています。さらには「初月無料」そして「2ヶ月半額!」さらには、、、



