お知らせ - 晴海校

Harumi News

  • イベント
  • 2023.02.19

第2回【晴海Fun Event】イベントレポート!


先日の2月18日に晴海校にて、2回目の「Fun Event」を開催しました!

今回のテーマは「お金の管理」「起業」で、今回は「2つのゲーム」を行いました。まず、『レモネードスタンドゲーム(lemonade stand game)』です。










次の「Fun Event」にもぜひ参加してください。次回は「3月25日(土)」です!


GLI講師 ブランドン


The 2/18 fun event was a success! Our theme this time was money management, and entrepreneurship. We played two games. First, the lemonade stand game. Students had to maximize profits over the course of seven days. To do this, they needed to adjust pricing and quality control of their product. They could see that changing these factors led to different purchasing decisions from customers. There were also uncontrollable factors like weather that students learned to pay attention to. After the seven-day period, students reflected about their decisions and considered how they could change next time.

The second game was a board game, “The game of life”. The first reaction was, “I don’t know this game but it looks like fun”! (It was a game I played as a child in America). Throughout the game we had to make a number of decisions which would impact the gameplay later on. All participants decided to go to university to get a higher salary job. Good choice! We also had some other choices like when to start a family, to take a risky path or safe path, or whether or not to buy a house. In the end we counted our money. Good decisions were made and students learned about the importance of making good life choices!

Make sure to join us for the next fun event! They are free, fun ways to maximize English immersion, learn life skills, and have fun! Stay tuned for updates.