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  • 2024.01.26

Winter Camp 2024] Event Report!

Skiing is fun!(Y)

Ms. Y told me this while riding the chairlift at the Gala Yuzawa Ski Resort, which was our destination this time. I could tell from the expression on her face that these words came from her heart.

Mr. Y, who had never skied since he was born, discovered the joy of skiing at this year's GLI Winter Camp!

Hello, this is Brandon, a GLI instructor.On January 6 we returned from three wonderful days in Yuzawa, Niigata.

On January 4, we took the Shinkansen from Tokyo Station to a small ski resort in "Snow CountryGALA-YuzawaI headed to the

Our "mission" for this issue.are two.

(1) To improve skiing ability.And,(2) Explore learning themesand its learning theme isLife in the Snow Country: Prehistoric to PresentIt was.

But as the tour progressed, every aspect of the

"The situation is beyond our imagination."

happened. Here are some of the highlights.

I'm having fun on the move.
The picture is blurry.

2 days of ski lessons with a foreign instructor

This year's ski instructors were teachers from Ireland and Argentina. They were both friendly, professional, and had a great way of engaging the children to make learning to ski more fun.

With their proper guidance, the students were able to get up to speed quickly, for example, by hopping up and down as rabbits so they could practice the movements needed to start turning left and right.

By the end of the first day, wow!Everyone was able to ride the chairlift, including first-timers.The speed of progress was as fast as it could be.

On the second day, they really enjoyed riding the chairlift throughout the lesson, honing the skills they had learned the day before. At the end of that lesson, there was optional freeskiing time.

Last year, the students chose to play in the snow without their skis (which is also a good thing, as they were all very excited to be able to ski). This year, however, they unanimously decided to continue skiing and skied three more runs as a group.

By this time, the students were able to ski freely with the skills they had learned. We hope that the joy they felt at this moment will last a lifetime for them!

Learn about the history of snow country

In this Winter Camp,English lessons every nightThe first time we did this, we held a This is because it is a chance for students to learn English and broaden their perspectives about the world in this extraordinary place.

On the first day we discussed the history of play and what people have done for fun? We discussed about the Of course, we also learned about the history of skiing in connection with snow country.

Did you know?The oldest skis are over 8,000 years old, and they were found in Russia. Skis helped people get around and hunt in snowy climates.

In addition to learning about the history of skiing on the first day, we received a special guest lecture from a local tour guide who was also our host at the lodge where we stayed.

He talked about how people survived in the snow country, and the students listened to his stories and imagined what life was like for ordinary people back then.

Kanjiki/Snowshoe Tour

In the second English lesson,Tools people used to survive in snow countryThe focus was on

There was unusually little snow at our winter camp this time, but in the past there were "six meters" of snow!

Can you imagine how people survived in such a climate without the modern comforts and technology that we are accustomed to today?

One way to imagine it is,Kanjiki and snowshoe experience on the second dayIt was. These snowshoes are the same ones people used in the past, with small wooden rings tied to their boots to help them float in a sea of snow.

For us, however, it was a relaxing hike on a sunny day.

ideal weather for a spa treatment

There is no such thing as a winter break without a spa! (LOL)

After overworking my leg muscles for three days straight, I needed to relax a bit. I swam in the pool, took a spa (bath), and then boarded the bullet train to return home safely.

commendation or awards ceremony

Repeat participants may have had it in their heads that there would be an awards ceremony at this Winter Camp, but first-time participants may not have known that the instructors were paying close attention to each student's behavior within the group.

There are a variety of awards,Teamwork, willingness to help others, personality, ability to follow directions, ability to manage own belongings, skills to stay on scheduleThese included.

This Winter Camp itself was a challenge for many students.

Because,As a member of a group outside of your own family, you are expected to take care of yourself, carry your own belongings, be courteous and punctualFrom. I challenged the children to think about other students, do the right thing, and pay attention to what is happening around them.

The "Awards Ceremony" encouraged self-reflection by providing the students with positive feedback and reflecting on their happy memories from the trip. The following is what the instructors told the studentsFeedback."This is an example of a

'My first impression when I met them was that they were very polite, kind, and maybe a little shy. But during the trip,I was impressed again and again by her actions.She was a team player, often taking on tasks for the group that others didn't want to do, like turning off the lights in a room and closing the door, or handing a thank-you card to one of the hosts.

At first I was worried that she wouldn't stay with her three friends all the time, but she quickly made new friends with the others in the group. She was also top notch in taking care of her own belongings and keeping to a schedule. Truly amazing! She also tried her best to communicate with me and her friends in English even though she had not studied English that much. She was confident and said Please and Thank you very often. She listened attentively during the English lessons. I bet she will be an even better GLI student from now on!

'Even though it was her first time skiing, I was amazed at how much she improved in such a short time. She was truly pure and innocent, and every time she completed a task set by the instructor (such as skiing between poles), she had a big smile on her face. By the end, she was able to turn fast and with control, avoiding others. It was hard to believe that this was really her first time skiing, and she won the "Most Improved" award. She said, "Skiing is fun," and you could tell she was having a blast."

The first is the "M" in the "M".

This concludes this year's Winter Camp. We were very fortunate to have a wonderful group of children and great weather.

All participants enjoyed the camp and came back with unforgettable memories, improved skiing, and a better understanding of their strengths and what they can accomplish.

Thanks for spending the first week of the new year with us! Have a great New Year!

We hope to see you at the next GLI event, international, national, and in the classroom. See you soon!

GLI Instructor Brandon (Japanese translation by Erica)

Other GLI events can be found here.
GLI Event Schedule