
News & Topics

  • Notice
  • 2023.06.22

Why don't you get results that will amaze everyone around you with our "results-oriented" [complete individual support]?

Overseas Educationor"Eiken level 2 in elementary school."GLI provides amazing achievements such as,New course "GLI Personal" for "results-orientedStart the

~ Domestic Boarding School Enrollment Results
Harrow School Abei Japan:8 persons
Malvern College Tokyo:5 persons
Rugby School Japan:1 person

〜Overseas Academic Achievements
Christ College Brecon (@UK):3 persons
Eton Square Preparatory School (@ UK):2 persons
Rivers International School Arnhem (@The Netherlands):2 persons
Rabun Gap Nacoochee School (@USA):1 person
Langley Fine Art School(@Canada):1 person
Hawaii Preparatory Academy (@ Hawaii):1 person

〜Eiken passing results (elementary school students)
Eiken 2-kyuuTwo students were accepted.
Eiken Preparation Level 27 students passed the exam
EIKEN Level 3More than 10 passed

(*All results are as of August 2023)

Mr. R: Customer's Voice

What is different from the usual lesson?

The new course, GLI Personal, differs from regular lessons in thatIndividualized tutoring courses that focus on "results" to the fullest.It is.

Personalized design of "education, English proficiency, and higher education" according to your child's goals and objectivesThe following is a list of the most common problems with theAnd,High-level lessons, personal coaching, and special exam preparation interviews further enhance our regular lessons and support "results-oriented" support.and provideWe will lead you to achieve your goals.

SpecificDifference."As for...

(1) Tutoring

GLI's lessons are based on group lessons. However, GLI PersonalTutoring."It is. So we can tailor our instruction to your child's personality, academic ability, and pace,Easier to improve your English in a shorter period of timeThe "M" in "M" is a "M" in "M".

Also, not four times a month,You will also be able to use the service from a single session, so you can use it for supplementary study or to improve your skills in the summer according to your schedule.You can

(2) Personal study schedule

Depending on your child's goals and objectivesWe will set up a customized study schedule and manage your progress.

Schedule Sample

Therefore,It is clear what to learn and how to learn it toward your goal, and you can proceed without wasting time.It is recommended that the following be done.

(3) Personal coaching

GLI's personal coaching is,Partnering with students to maximize their potentialThe company will be involved as a

Specifically, we will set goals and objectives, analyze the current situation, find means to achieve the goals, develop a concrete schedule plan, and through weekly progress feedback and monthly coaching sessions, there will be no side trips.We will lead you to achieve your goals.

In addition, coaching can be used to foster independence,Not to mention motivated learning outside of lessons,Improvement of non-cognitive abilities such as self-discipline and challenging spirit. And can also lead to maximization of potential.

(4) Creation of learning portfolio

The future entrance examinations are not only general entrance examinations,The style of entrance examinations is changing to one that evaluates a broad range of learning experiences.

Since learning experiences broadly include insights gained in the course of learning, it is important to keep a record of when and where the learning experience took place.

For example, if you participate in an event such as an international day, you will record in this learning portfolio what you learned and the qualities and abilities you gained at the event.

With this portfolio,Your child's experience and abilities will be organized, making it easier to plan for the future and to showcase your child's skills in interviewing candidates.

Portfolio Samples

(5) Special measures interview

To pass the exam and the Eiken ®︎, in fact.Strategy is important.It is.

In this special measures interview,How do we get the results we are aiming for in a way that suits the student?I would like to advise you on the following.

Particularly,Overseas advancement or advancement through special entrance examinations such as thinking skills, programming, etc.Now, let's look at some specifics at cram schools and school institutions.There are infinitely fewer people who can give advice.It is.

This is because of the unique know-how of higher education cultivated at GLI, which has a lot of experience in this field,It clarifies how to take the next action and ensures better achievement of the goal.


If you definitely want to pass the Eiken ®︎ by this period

● You have a reason to improve your 4-skills English by the due date.

Those who need individualized preparation for returnee student entrance examinations, high school recommendation examinations, and comprehensive university entrance examinations.

We definitely recommend this course for such students. (*People who wish to go on to higher education abroad should take the "Junior Boarding Course" which has the same support as GLI Personal.)

Customer Testimonials

Mr. R: Customer's Voice

Q: What was your impression while attending GLI?

It was not like cramming English for an entrance exam, but rather, he slowly improved our English skills through conversation while learning about the subject matter. In the private lesson, he shared his own opinion with us, which was different from ours, and he set a good example for us by using numbers to make his speech persuasive.I enjoy attending each lesson because it is new and challenging.

Mr. T: Customer's Voice

Q: What was your impression while attending GLI?

First, he gave us a detailed description of boarding schools and how they differ from Japanese education.

We were grateful that they listened intently and empathized with our questions and concerns about our children's education.He also gave us a detailed road map to get into boarding and guided us precisely.

I was impressed that the children enjoyed the class so much that they came home.He did not try to agitate the children because they were taking an entrance exam, but listened to them and faced them, and brought out their good points, which made it possible for them to take the exam in a positive way.

Course Amount

*Basic personal coaching starts from 4th grade students.
*One 70-minute individual lesson per session.
There is a separate admission fee (30,000 yen), classroom maintenance fee (2,200 yen/month), and materials fee (about 2,000 yen per book).
*Please inquire for rates for 3 or more times per week.


We at GLI are"An English conversation school that personally designs global education and overseas domestic examinations."As a result, we have contributed to a variety of achievements, including overseas advancement.

In addition, GLI has beenWe don't give lessons just to pass the test! This is our policy.We have been involved in educational activities in the following areas

We have helped students to pass and advance to higher education by using English to increase their interest in learning and to take more initiative in their learning through hands-on experience. In the past 8 years, I have had many experiences that sometimes made me say, "Never! In the past eight years, we have also had many experiences that have been called "never!

So this time,"A new course that is more focused on results."GLI Personal" was released as "GLI Personal" and the GLI policy remains the same: "Learn, Use, Experience, and Proactively Work Hard! and further strengthen theWe will strategically guide you to results.

We are happy to please parents who want to get tangible results for their children as well as fun.


● I want to pass the "Eiken ®︎" by this period!

● I would like to see the "4 skills of English" enhanced urgently!

● I definitely want to "get into school" here!

● I would like to see "individualized measures"!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at GLI. We will certainly be able to help you.

First of all, it's below.Click on the "Contact Us" button to take a free trial lesson.We hope that you will be able to join us. We look forward to seeing you at the trial lesson.

GLI Representative Kaburaki

GLI's help for learning EnglishFree learning content."can be found here.