Announcements - International Day

International Day

  • Events
  • 2022.06.10

6/26 Online] The popular "International Day" event was held!

Hello, this is Azusa from GLI staff.

June 26,One of the most popular of GLI's many events,International Day.will be held online.

Little by little, international traffic is returning.
However, some of you may be thinking, "I would love to travel abroad, but I don't think I can make it this summer either...".

If so, please come to International Day, a virtual experience event abroad!

International Day to be held in FebruaryThe theme of the event was "Bhutan," which is said to be the country with the highest level of happiness in the world. Everyone learned about Bhutan,After presenting what they had researched beforehand, guests from Bhutan appeared on stage.The following is a list of the most common problems with the
It was impressive that so many questions were being asked and answered in a lively manner.

A hint for this year's theme country...


interpoint (interword separation)

interpoint (interword separation)

Have you figured it out yet?



What kind of event is International Day? What do you learn?

Here is a brief overview of what International Day is all about!

International Day is an opportunity for children toVarious cultures and diversity of the worldHe was exposed to and interested inGlobal PerspectiveThe objective is to fosterThe event is held on

Each time, one theme country is chosen and participants learn about the country's landmarks, food, and cultural characteristics.

Sometimes we invite guests who are from the country or have a close relationship with the country.The program is a great opportunity for students to gain experience that they would not have had the chance to gain if they had only studied textbooks.

↑↑↑The previous International Day when the theme country was "Bhutan"!

The theme country is Australia, what surprises can you expect?

I think it is relatively easy for everyone to imagine what Australia is like.


Unique animals not found in other countries, such as koalas and kangaroos.

Ayers Rock (Uluru) rises red in the sun.

It is 22 times larger than Japan and the sixth largest in the world.


What will you really learn and discover about Australia?
I am excited about it too!


Once again, participants will be asked to conduct preliminary research and make a presentation.

The process of doing your own research, learning new things, and presenting your findingsis,It will lead to deepening your interests as your own.

Of course, we have invited guests this time as well! I will post more details on my blog.


International Day Overview

Please see below for an overview of the International Day and how to register. Please register as soon as possible!

Date: June 26 (Sun.)

Hours & Capacity
Elementary school students: 11:00-12:30 (first-come, first-served)25 persons)
Junior high and high school students: 13:30-15:00 (first-come, first-served)15 persons)

Students outside the GLI are also welcome to attend!

Format: Held online (Zoom)

Participation Fee:free

Application Deadline:Friday, June 24



To apply, please go to the official line!

Name, Grade
If you are traveling with a friend, please provide the friend's name.

add a friend



Exposure to non-Japanese cultures,Knowing that the norm in Japan is not the normWhat is,The first step to open your eyes to the worldIt is a It is also an opportunity to test the English skills acquired in the lessons.

We look forward to seeing many of you there!