Notices - Harumi School

Harumi News

  • Events
  • 2022.03.06

Preparatory lectures for entering junior high school and moving up to the new school year, held at various schools!

Hello, this is Azusa from GLI staff.


April, the start of the new school year is approaching.

Excited, excited, worried... I think there are a lot of mixed feelings.

Especially for sixth grade elementary school students who will be moving on to junior high school,


...I wonder what a middle school test is like...

I wonder how much the level of English will increase...


Some people may be anxious about this.


At GLI, at Harumi, Musashi-Kosugi, and Hiroo schools, respectively,For new first-year junior high school students (Musashi Kosugi and Hiroo schools are also open to new second-year students),Preparatory courses for the new junior high school year will be offered!


Harumi School Junior High School Preparation Course Details

DAYS】 【program schedule
First Session: Monday, March 28 and Tuesday, March 29, 2022
March 30(Wed) and 31(Thu), 2022
The content is the same for both sessions.

Hours】11:30-16:00/1日3コマ (with a break in between)
SchoolsGLI Harumi School


Targets & Capacity
New 1st year junior high school students Beginners and experienced students (Eiken Level 3 or higher) 5 students each


Tuition】 【Tuition
25,000 yen/trip


(1) Middle School Preparation Workshop :
Time for preparing for junior high school activities, final exams, combining club activities with study, and preparing for your future career after school.

(2) Japanese lecturers: reading and writing skills, grammar, phonics (phonics and grammar)

(3) Native English speakers: Develop listening and speaking skills ・English expressions and self-introductions


Musashi Kosugi School Preparation Course for the New Junior High School Year Details

DAYS】 【program schedule
Thursday, March 31, Friday, April 1 and Saturday, April 2, 2022
*Participation from one day is also possible.

Hours: 17:00-19:00
SchoolsGLI Musashi Kosugi School


Targets & Capacity
New 1st year junior high school students, new 2nd year junior high school students


Tuition】 【Tuition
4,000 yen x number of days of participation


Day 1: Phonics, English Grammar
Day2: Listening and speaking skills - through conversation with a foreign instructor
Day3: Discussion - What is school life overseas?


Hiroo School Junior High School Preparation Course Details

DAYS】 【program schedule
Friday, April 1 and Saturday, April 2, 2022
*Participation from one day is also possible.

Hours: 16:00-19:00
SchoolsGLI Hiroo School


Targets & Capacity
New 1st year junior high school students, new 2nd year junior high school students


Tuition】 【Tuition
6,000 yen x number of days of participation


Day 1: English Grammar Preparation, Listening and Speaking Skills
Day2: Reading skills, preparation for middle school, discussion - What is school life abroad?
*Discussion on the second day will be held jointly with Musashi-Kosugi School online.


For those who wish to participateis from the following "GLI official linePlease write "I want to take a junior high school preparatory course" and send it toPlease contact us with the following

Name of school you wish to attend
Name of participant
Academic year starting in April
Dates you wish to participate

Applications can be found at ⬇︎:




We look forward to meeting you all!


GLI Staff Azusa



【【Free gift (for Eiken)]

How does GLI enhance the four English language skills?
And how did you learn to pass the second level of the Eiken? I wrote about
"Study Methods That Can Help Elementary School Students Pass the EIKEN Level 2 Test."
is also being offered as a free gift!

Please become official LINE friends with GLI andEiken."Please message me with the following information.