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New schedule added! Education Reform" explained in an easy-to-understand manner! Parents Study Session!
Hello, this is Kaburaki, GLI representative.
Sunday, May 23.Parents' Study Session" for parents.I will do so.
(*Photographs show past parent study sessions.)
This time,Revised Courses of Study," a major change in junior high school English, starting this year.Focus on,
"What You Need to Know About 'Education Reform'"
is the theme.
How much do you understand?
Education reform is currently underway, though,How well do you understand the following wordsis it?
Inquiry Learning, Comprehensive Selection, DX, Algorithms, Global Education, 21st Century Education, CEFR, VUCA, SDGsRevised Courses of Study, Harrow and Rugby Schools, Kazakoshi Gakuen, Tachikawa International Elementary School
The first is the "M" in the "M".
If you know "more than half," you understand education quite well. If you don't know more than half,That would be a great waste.It is.
Because by not knowing the education reform,''You are limiting your child's potential.''From.
This is because, with education reform underway, it has"A clear purpose."There is aIf you understand the purpose of this education, it will be easier to smoothly get to the "(educational) goal" you are trying to achieve.
It is as smooth as riding an escalator to the upper floor (i.e., goal).
On the other hand, if you are unaware of the purpose, it is like the act of trying to climb an escalator to the upper floor while running backwards, which can be quite a challenge.
I have been working in Tokyo since April this year.Showa Women's University Elementary SchoolI am the acting principal at a place called The mission is truly educational reform. The objective is to introduce the above-mentioned education supported by the Ministry of Education to the field.
In fact, reforms are certainly underway in schools. In particular, the introduction of the Ipad is accelerating all kinds of reforms.English textbooks have also been substantially changed, increasing the level of difficulty.
To reiterate,The Ministry of Education would not reform if it were not necessary. Reform is necessary because it is necessary.
These things are,It is not only about your child's education and entrance examinations, but also about whether or not he or she will acquire the qualities necessary for a happy life in the future.
Therefore, if parents do not understand the meaning of this reform and think about their children's education, they will not only fail to acquire the qualities necessary for the coming age, but they may also have a hard time taking entrance exams.
Those who know know. Those who know are already acting like it.
We hope that you will attend this parent study session to deepen your understanding of educational reform and expand your child's potential.
The first participation is "free" for outside students as well!
I have a "Parents Study Group" that is open to the public free of charge every time,It will be more powerful, providing "up-to-date information" that would only be known to those working in front-line educational settings.
Therefore, starting with this issueOutside students pay."We are pleased to announce that the event will be held in the form of a "free of charge" event. (*There is "no fee" for GLI internal students.)
But to commemorate this event,For outside students, the participation fee (usually 5,000 yen) is only charged for the first time.
5,000 yen → 0 yen (free)
You can participate in the next meeting for a fee. We hope you understand that from the next time you participate, you will be charged a fee.
However, we hope that you will be able to look forward to our participation and that we will deliver something that will satisfy your needs.
This "Parent Study Session" will be held on the following schedule(The 11:00 a.m. session was "fully booked" with over 20 reservations, so the afternoon session was held on short notice!)
Sunday, May 23 (@ online zoom)
11:00-12:00 (first half approx. 20 min., 10 min. break, second half approx. 20 min.)Full house!
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (first half: approx. 20 minutes, break: 10 minutes, second half: approx. 20 minutes)Urgent addition!
If you have already made a reservation for the 11:00 a.m. session and would prefer to come in the afternoon, you can change your reservation on the official GLI LINE. → (Japanese only)
Parents (including internal and external students)
Participation fee
Internal students:0 yen
External Students:Special 0 yen for first-time participants (normally 5,000 yen)
If you are interested in the "Parent Study Group", please fill out the application form below now.
External studentClick here to "apply" (application form) for those who
[Internal student].For those who are interested in "applying" for the program, please click here (GLI's official line):
If you have any questions on the day, please feel free to contact us.
● Official on line of GLI:
Please do not hesitate to contact us through
Understanding the educational reforms and not understanding them can make a huge difference in your child's potential, future exams and future.
I and the entire GLI staff look forward to receiving your application.
GLI Representative Kaburaki
【【Free gift ①]
Supervised by GLI, an English language school specializing in four English skills
Report on Recommended English Picture Books to Improve English Skills (Elementary School Students)
is also being offered as a free gift!
Please make friends with GLI on LINE@ andGLI Elementary School StudentsPlease message me with the following information.
【【Free gift 2 (for kindergarten children)]
English picture books" that will help you get used to English in a fun way and improve your English skills.The following is a summary of the following information.
me tooFree of chargeWe present it in the following table.
Please make friends with GLI on LINE@ andGLI Picture BookPlease message me with the following information.