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  • 2020.11.11

Full-scale release of "Online Course"! Now, you can get an iPAD for free!

An English conversation school where even ordinary elementary school students can pass Eiken Level 2

Hello, I am Kaburaki, a representative of GLI.


In GLI,Study program that enables even "ordinary elementary school students with no overseas experience" to acquire high-level English proficiency in all four skills without difficulty.We provide the following services.


and up to nowElementary school student earns EIKEN Level 2and has helped various students improve their English language skills.

All of our students have achieved as much as skipping a grade, and some of them have gone on to higher education abroad.


In the last Eiken first test held inFifth-Grade Elementary School Student Passes EIKEN Level 3 with Ease!I am doing this.

With this score and ability.I'll be ready for Levels 2 and 3 in no time.I think it is.


Why do ordinary elementary school students pass Eiken Level 2?

He/she is not a returnee and has no overseas experience. At first glance, it may seem impossible for such an ordinary elementary school student to pass Eiken Level 2, the high school graduation level.


However,GLI has two "secrets" that make this possible.


Secret 1) Textbooks

The biggest secret for ordinary elementary school students to pass Eiken Level 2 isText."It is.

(*Image shows text at CC level (1st and 2nd grade elementary school).


The text, which took five years to develop, isThe four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking are well balanced and well organized.


The FF class (for 6th grade elementary school students) is composed of Eiken Level 2 level vocabulary, sentences, and grammar.


if you put it that wayI thought, "Words and sentences at the level of Eiken Level 2 must be difficult for elementary school students."You may feel that


But there is a reason why elementary school students still enjoy learning. That is.CLIL."It is.


What is CLIL?"It's a style of learning where you don't study the English language itself, but use it to learn other content."It is.


Therefore, GLI's textbooks are designed to keep children interested inWorld Exploration and STEAM."The company focuses on

(*The image is a textbook for EE level (5th and 6th grade elementary school). Students will also learn about other countries through English.)


In other words, a text that is both high-level and fun at the same time,The children will enjoy working with English.


andStudents naturally acquire Eiken Level 2 English proficiency. That's why even elementary school students achieve the same level of results as skipping a born.


Secret 2) Study Program

Textbooks alone are not enough. The point is,How do we get kids excited about English without making them bored?


In this regard, GLI has a secret to its "learning program". It isImmersion."It is.


Imagination is simply put,"A method of language acquisition in which communication is conducted in English only, without any Japanese."It is.


I'll say this again,Can you understand English when spoken to you in a language you know nothing about?"You may wonder.


However, I would like you to think about it,That's how we learned Japanese too.I think.


In other words, at GLI,Learn English the same way native speakers learn English.It may be safe to say that


So, in the GLI study program,Instead of learning English itself, students will interact with English through research and work on world affairs and scientific content.


In other words, at GLI"A variety of real-life experiences through the English language."You will be asked to do the followingThat's why you can learn English.


Specific examples,With classmatesDiscussions in EnglishAnd so on,


Have fun together!group workand so on,


English Presentationand so on,


Skype.Interacting with students abroadand so on,


SDGsLearn about and share your opinions about the


Cross-cultural exchange with people living abroadMottari (Study Tour)


Such as,There are many "motivators" and "experiences" available to make you want to speak and write English anyway.The GLI's study programs are designed to help students learn the language of the world.


Because of GLI's unique "textbooks" and "study programs," you will acquire high-level English skills that are not just fun.


That is why we are able to achieve English test results that amaze people around us, as well as to enter schools overseas.


Want to learn about the GLI program online?

GLI has offered this service in the classroom,Anyway, there are many "motivators" and "experiences" available to make you want to speak and write English.The GLI Program.You can now take the course at home and acquire high-level English skills.


(*This is an actual group lesson.)


(*This is a scene from the event, which was an International day, so we learned about Cambodia and the Philippines.)


And now a full-fledged release.Online Course."Then,More emphasis on individual level improvement.


One-on-one tutoring (50 minutes)."


We are very pleased to be able to offer this service.


Amount for "Online Coursewill be as follows (*When you joinAdmission fee 8,800 yen (tax included)will be charged separately).


■ BB class (reference target grade: 1st and 2nd grade):
31,680 yen (twice a week, monthly tax included)

■ CC Class (reference target grade: 3rd grade):
32,780 yen (twice a week, monthly tax included)

■DD class (reference target grade: 4th grade):
32,780 yen (twice a week, monthly tax included)

■ EE class (reference target grade: 5th and 6th grade):
33,880 yen (twice a week, monthly tax included)


In addition to lessons, we also offer summer school and otherVarious events are"Special Rates"You can participate in the event atYou can make friends while learning English in a higher level environment at a great price.


(*For your information, this year's summer school fee is 32,000 yen for regular participants and 18,000 yen for GLI students.14,000 yen" discount priceto participate in the event).


iPAD present! and other gorgeous release benefits!

This time, to celebrate the release of a full-fledged online course,Luxury Release Benefits PresentedI will do so!


Benefit 1.
Up to "60,000 yen discount"! Free" in November & "Half price" in December and January!

If you attend the online course at this time,Save on courses for the next 3 months through January!You can


temporarilyDD class (for 4th grade elementary school students) twice a week (monthly fee: 32,780 yen)Even if you took the course,


November: Free (0 yen)
December: Half price (16,390 yen)
January: Half price (16,390 yen)


andSave a total of "65,560 yenwill be.


The year-end and New Year's holidays are a time of year when you have to spend a lot of money, and while you can improve your English, you can also take your family on a trip with the money you save, which can only be a good thing!


Privilege #2
Free iPAD gift! (Limited to the first 30 people to arrive)

(*Image is for reference only.)


As the title says,Free "iPAD" giftI will do so.


GLI's online courses as well as school classes,The iPAD makes learning more convenient and efficient.


However, only this presentLimited to the first 30 people to arrive."It is. Please do not miss this chance to get it.


(*The campaign offer is subject to the condition that you use the service twice a week for 3 months (December, January, and February) during the paid period. The iPad will be mailed to you in February.)



Benefit 3.
Monthly drawing! Choice of gifts!

The longer you continue, the more benefits you will feel.We have also prepared these special offersMonthly lottery!It is a "gift of choice"!


This offer is based on the fact that each month a winner will be chosen from among the students in the online course, and that the winner will beYou can choose from the following "three" optionsThe following is a list of the most common problems with the


We hope that you will continue to do so and get not only a high level of English proficiency but also this gift as well!


1) Latest electronic dictionaries

As with the iPad, you will receive a "state-of-the-art electronic dictionary" that will enhance your learning efficiency (*Image shown is for reference only).


(2) 10 English picture books recommended by GLI

English Language ProfessionalsThat is why we have "English picture books" that we can recommend.


GLI especially recommends10 copies of "English Picture Books" will be given away.You can do this. This way you don't have to buy English picture books and you can further develop your English skills.


3) GO TO GLI tour (transportation and lodging included)

(*This is a scene from a recent Halloween celebration.)


this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker)GO TO GLI Touris a privilege to visit GLI in Tokyo.


What is the atmosphere like? What is the atmosphere like? What kind of atmosphere do they have?


We will pay for your transportation and accommodations, so we hope you will come during your trip to Tokyo. (*Only for those who live in Japan)


We will give you a gift of your choice from among these three! We hope you will consult with your children while deciding on a gift.


Benefit 4.
Special lesson for Eiken!

The benefits are still there! (Laughs)


Before holding the Eiken,Special online lessons for Eikenwill also be presented.


GLI, which has been achieving results comparable to skipping classes, also offers special lessons for Eiken.


Of course, passing the test depends on the students' daily efforts, but some students have seen their scores go through the roof with this special Eiken lesson.


We hope you will also take advantage of these lesson benefits to ensure your success.


Of course, you don't start the course right away,First of all, feel free toTry a free lesson at "Free Online CounselingYou can take the course at no cost to you.


However, this campaign isUntil the end of November."The following is a summary of the results of the survey.(*The campaign offer is conditional upon a 3-month paid period (December, January, and February) and twice-weekly usage. The gift including an iPad will be mailed in February.)



If what I have said so far has piqued your interest in GLI's online courses, even just a little,Please use the reservation form below to apply now.


Click here to make a reservation

Make a reservation through the RESERVA reservation system


Your child's efforts will also contribute to society!

A portion of the GLI Online Course tuition fee isDonation to an orphanage in Mindanao, PhilippinesThe following is a summary of the results.


In fact, GLI has been providing financial support to that "orphanage" for many years,The teachers who teach English are also hired from that orphanage.

(*The teacher pictured at the bottom left is Ms. Queen, who graduated from that orphanage. She is bright, friendly, and immensely popular with her students.)


With that support, each elementary and junior high school student can attend school for one year for 40,000 yen per year, and high school students can attend for 60,000 yen,We want to support the future of as many children as possible and provide them with opportunities to play an active role.


Your child's hard work will not only improve his/her English skills, but also contribute to society by helping orphans and needy children, as a portion of the course fees will support an orphanage.


You will also receive a letter from the children in Mindanao every month, and you will be able to interact with them, giving you a different experience through the online course.


Would you like to learn high level English at home?

Thanks to the development of technology, students can now take high-quality classes online.


So no matter how far away you are, you can still take lessons at GLI.


In fact, if you take the GLI online course,


You can acquire a high level of English proficiency while having fun.
... easier to pass English tests such as the Eiken and entrance examinations.
You can also consider going abroad for higher education.
I can get people interested in the world and the scientific and chemical fields.
You can learn English, but you can also have a lot of experiences.
It is a way to support orphanages and contribute to society.


There are a variety of advantages, such as


if it's the right timeInquire by November 30 for "4 Release Benefits"


Benefit 1] Up to "60,000 yen discount"! November "?Free" & "half price" in December and January!

Benefit 2] Free iPAD gift! (Limited to the first 30 people to arrive)

Benefit 3] Monthly drawing! Choice of gift! (Choose one of three!)
1) Latest electronic dictionaries
(2) 10 English picture books recommended by GLI
3) GO TO GLI tour (transportation and lodging included)

Benefit 4: Special Eiken lessons!


will be presented!(*The campaign offer is conditional upon a 3-month paid period (December, January, and February) and twice-weekly usage. The gift including an iPad will be mailed in February.)



ifIf they're going to learn English, I want them to have fun, but I also want them to learn English well."If you feel that way, why not learn at GLI?


I don't know if my kids can do it."If you are worried about this, don't worry.


More than half of the children who have studied at GLI started with no prior experience. However, they have achieved many successes, including passing the English Proficiency Test in a very short period of time.


By all means, if you are interested, please start withFree online counseling."Please join us at


We look forward to hearing from you.


Click here to make a reservation

Make a reservation through the RESERVA reservation system


GLI Representative Kaburaki


Finally, please allow me to introduce the teachers of GLI's online courses.

The teachers are very close to each other, friendly and all teachers are loved by their students.


The lessons are also very communicative and friendly and supportive.


Perhaps the secret to children naturally wanting to speak English is the atmosphere of the instructors, who make the children want to talk to them.


[P.S. 2
To give you some idea of what GLI's online lessons are like, we would like to introduce a few scenes from actual lessons (*Online courses are conducted in individual lessons).


BB Class (for 1st and 2nd grade elementary school students)


CC Class (for 3rd grade elementary school students)


EE Class (for 5th and 6th graders)


Click here to make an appointment for free counseling.

Make a reservation through the RESERVA reservation system


Free gift!

1) Supervised by GLI, an English language school specializing in the four English skills
Report on Recommended English Picture Books to Improve English Skills (Elementary School Students)


(2) Enjoy getting accustomed to English and improve your English skills,
Report on Recommended English Picture Books to Improve English Skills (for Kindergarteners)


(3) For those who are not sure how to educate their children in English.
"Study Methods That Can Help Elementary School Students Pass the EIKEN Level 2 Test."


will be presented.


Please make friends with GLI on LINE@ andThe gift of your choice."Please let us know.


[Feel free to consult with us.
If you are concerned about your child's English education, feel free to contact us for on line counseling.
→directional marker or indicator
note (supplementary information) symbolFree Consultationand message me!