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  • 2024.07.11

In-depth explanation: 3 points to avoid failure in study tours for children.

I want my child to go on a study tour during the summer or winter vacation, but what should I look for in a study tour?"Have you ever felt that

In fact, if you participate in a study tour,

✔︎ An extraordinary experience.

✔︎ Socialize with other participants to develop social skills.

✔︎ to find additional interests and concerns.

There are many advantages, including

But on the other hand, if you fail to choose the right study tour

✔︎ The child participates in the event without wanting to.

✔︎ They told me they didn't enjoy anything.

✔︎ You end up paying a lot of money.

This could be the case.

So this time,Organize overseas and domestic study tours for childrenThe GLI English School has a wealth of experience in training students for boarding schools in Japan as well as those who are going on to higher education abroad,Three key points to avoid mistakes in study tours for children.I will do so.

(*Other results are"Domestic Boarding and Overseas Academic Achievements."(from)

If you could read this article,What points should we pay attention to in order to avoid making mistakes in choosing a study tour for our children, and to help them experience and grow a lot? You will have a clear understanding of the following points

I hope you will enjoy reading it!

By the way,

This year's study tour took us to Hawaii, where we had the opportunity to interview and become personalities for a local radio show on the island of Oahu.

All GLI tours are handmade, with the help of acquaintances who have lived in the area for many years,Concepts of places you can't normally go, people you can't meet, and experiences you can't have.This is the first time that we have done this tour. So, this is a tour where you can feel the growth and change quite a bit when you come back from participating.

Hawaii Study Tour

3 Points to Avoid Failure in Study Tours for Children

To get right to the point, here are three things you can do to ensure that your child does not make a mistake on a study tour

(1) Understand what your child wants to do and what his/her interests are.

(2) Is the tour organizer trustworthy? Check the

(3) Check the compatibility between the tour planning group and your child.

is required. I would like to explain in detail.

Point 1) Understand what your child wants to do and what he/she is interested in.

We went to see dolphins.

First, a basic premise,It is important for children to participate in study tours that allow them to do what they want to do and what they are interested inIt is.

Otherwise,There is a high possibility that you will "fail" and end up paying a lot of money to participate in the event.From.

Therefore, we recommend that you search for a study tour based on your child's interests rather than the parents' intentions.

Now, here's a question for you,What your child is interested in and wants to do."What is the

If you can't think of anything right away, try drawing it out in conversation at home.

Some children in the upper elementary grades may get more out of writing, while younger children may prefer to elicit from conversation while giving examples.

For example,

I want to make more friends.
I want to see for myself what is being shown on TV and in videos.
I want to go to places where I can't go for sightseeing.
I want to try something I've never done before.
I'm curious about the professions of the characters in the anime I'm into.
I want to go out with good friends.

I think it will come up, for example.

If you can draw out the topics and interests for the study tour, even from something as abstract as this, it will make it easier to find the right study tour for your child.

Expanding interest in study tours through topics and interests

Study tours are also available in the snow country.

If you find a topic that interests your child,Next, let's broaden the topic so that people feel "I want to go on a study tour!" Let's expand the topic so that people will feel "I want to go on a study tour!

For example, if you want to "make more friends," you might say, "Wouldn't it be fun to make friends overseas?"

If you want to "see with your own eyes what is shown on TV or in videos," you can say, "The volcano in this video is amazing, isn't it? What if you could actually go to this volcano, or a similar place?'

If you're "curious about the profession of an anime character you're into," then "would you like to go meet someone who actually does that job?"

and gradually turn your child's motivation and interest outward.

This will make it easier to get people interested in going on study tours.

Point 2) Is the tour organizer trustworthy? Check the

The presence of a local guide is also important.

As the name "study "tours" suggests, many of them are generally sponsored by or affiliated with travel agencies.

However, for study tours for children,More important than the itinerary is how well you take care of your child's safety and emotional well-being.It is.

This is even more so for tours that involve only children away from their parents. Because,Safety and security take precedence over funThe reason is that it should be done.

So, whether the study tour is full, safe and secure,Need to check on both the travel agency and the planning organization.It is.

When approached by a travel agency

If you are approached by a travel agent

✔︎ Is the tour for which the family is accompanied by a family member (and if so, how is it different from a package sightseeing trip)?

✔︎ If the target group is children only, is it clear what kind of group the accompanying staff will be, and the scope of accommodations and free activities?

and other inquiries,Confirmation of safety and security concernsWe recommend that you do the following

This is because a full-scale study tour often takes you to places you would not normally go for sightseeing, and problems that are unique to study tours can occur.

Although it is best not to have problems, we cannot reduce the possibility of problems to zero.

So, in case of any problems, make sure to check the response, insurance, and contact system in case of trouble.

When approached by planning organizations

The next step is to approach the project from the planning organization.

First, as an organization that organizes study tours for children

NGO organizations mainly engaged in volunteer activities and educational activities
Tours organized by swimming schools and sports schools
Tours organized by companies that are parent companies of private school children and tutoring schools.
Tours organized by English conversation schools
Tours organized by international schools and private schools

There are

These groups are,Unlike travel agencies, we are skilled in the safety and emotional care of children.In many cases.

On the other hand, because we are not a travel agency, there are cases where the information on our website regarding study tours is limited to the name of the program and a summary of the itinerary.

Therefore, we recommend that you obtain "information you want to know" to your satisfaction, such as cost, number of staff, what you will get, and whether similar projects have been done in the past.

Some organizations hold "information sessions" so that you can get the necessary information and avoid mismatches such as "It's not what I expected! We recommend that you attend an information session to obtain the necessary information and to avoid mismatches such as "It's not what I expected!

Participation also has the advantage of giving you an idea of the staff and the atmosphere of the organization.

Point 3) Check the compatibility between the tour planning group and your child.

GLI offers a pre-study and
We will also plan a gathering after the tour.

Even if you feel that your child is interested in the study tour, that you trust the tour planning organization, and that it is safe for your child to go on the tour, it is your child who will experience the tour on the day of the tour! Even if you feel that the study tour is safe for your child, it is your child who will experience the study tour on the day of the tour.

Even if the parents' impression is good, it does not necessarily mean that they are a good match for their children. Some parents who have actually taken their children to an event have had a tough time because they did not get along with the staff of the planning organization or other participants. We often hear such voices.

So in the end,Is there a "fit" between the tour planning organization and your child?is quite important.

So I would like to make a recommendation,

✔︎ Tour planning organizations that will prepare a pre-tour study before the tour departs.

✔︎ Tour planning organizations that offer day tours and events in addition to tours

It is.

Because, he said, those two tour planning organizations,You can check the compatibility with your child in advance and minimize the risk of failure as much as possible.From.

For example, a study tour that includes a pre-tour study session gives your child a chance to get to know the new friends he or she will be going with on the day of the tour beforehand, allowing the child to relax and participate in the tour on the day of the tour.

In the unlikely event that you feel the chemistry is not right for you, you can cancel or consult with the staff in advance to avoid as many mistakes as possible.

In addition, tours that include pre-tour study sessions allow participants to participate in the tour with a greater sense of purpose, which enhances the learning effect and makes it easier to further interest and motivation for learning after the tour.

If the organization offers day tours or events in addition to the tour, you can get a feel for the staff and other participants and build relationships with them.

Study tours are an extension of such events, so when you can build a relationship with each other, you as a parent can feel more comfortable allowing your child to participate.

The first is the "M" in the "M".

Well, how was it?

In this issue, we introduced "3 points not to fail in study tours for children" for parents who are looking for study tours for their children!

(1) Understand what your child wants to do and what his/her interests are.

(2) Is the tour organizer trustworthy? Check the

(3) Check the compatibility between the tour planning group and your child.

If you keep these three points in mind, you can better ensure that your child

✔︎ It's a lot of fun.

✔︎ I was able to grow and

✔︎ for further interest and engagement.

It will be like this.


It's nice to be able to check the child's compatibility before the study tour, but I wonder if there are any tour groups that do that."

You may feel that this is not a good idea. Therefore, we would like to recommendGLI.It is!

Why GLI is the best choice for study tours

First of all, GLI is not just an English conversation school,An "inquiry-based" global schoolIt is.

Instead of learning English itself as in school English, we use CLIL (=Content and Language Integrated Learning), a learning method that incorporates "learning other subjects in English" such as math and social studies. We have adopted CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

Specifically, the curriculum is designed around "Global Exploration and STEAM (=Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)" that children are interested in and want to explore, and events to stimulate interest in foreign countries and STEAM are Events to stimulate interest in other countries and STEAM are planned on a monthly basis.

What we've learned.
English presentation will be given in English

As for study tours, we also provide a thorough pre-study program.

In addition to interacting with the children who will be on the tour with you,The children will research the destination of the tour, identify issues of interest to them, experience the destination, and present their solutions and impressions in English. This is the basic learning cycle.and the following is a list of the most important factors.

So, the reasons why we recommend GLI for study tours are

✔︎ Preliminary studies are based on your child's interests and

✔︎ with a clear purpose in the field.

✔︎ very effective in learning

✔︎ It's also a great way to grow

GLI is currently operating two schools in Tokyo (Harumi School and Hiroo School) and one in Kanagawa (Musashi-Kosugi School). GLI currently operates two schools in Tokyo (Harumi and Hiroo) and one in Kanagawa (Musashi Kosugi).

However, there are those who feel that "it is too far to commute.

So I would like to recommendGLI Online English ConversationIt is.

With GLI Online English Conversation, we have introducedNot only "study tours" but also

1): English language skills improve with a learning approach that suits your child's needs.

(2): A variety of English experiences that will make you want to output English.

(iii): They will work with you to create an educational plan.

or some suchMany advantages to learning EnglishThis is because there are Let me be more specific.

What are the features of GLI Online English Conversation?

Feature 1: Children can improve their English skills with a learning approach that suits them.

GLI Online English Conversation isConsists of "personal lessons" and "personal coachingThe company has been

In personal lessons,We will provide the best learning environment for your child's learning style and level to improve his or her English skills.

The lesson will be used for,"You can have fun while acquiring skills."Unique "CLIL-style text".

CLIL is a learning method in which students learn other subjects such as math and social studies in English, instead of learning English itself as they do in school English.

Among these, the program will focus on "Global Exploration and STEAM" that will interest and encourage children to explore, stimulating their interest in foreign countries and STEAM while fostering their desire to learn.

GLI Texts

In addition, GLI's personal coaching is,"Your partner to maximize your child's potential."The company will be involved as a

Specifically, we will set goals and objectives, analyze the current situation, find means to achieve the goals, and develop a specific study schedule plan, leading to visible results without detours through weekly progress feedback and monthly coaching sessions.

Feature 2: A variety of English experiences that make you want to output English.

In GLI,A wide variety of "events" that will have you itching to use Englishare held monthly, both online and offline. (Admission: Free or Paid)

field trip
International Day (US, Canada, etc.)

Students will be able to participate in "Overseas Study Tours" and "Seasonal Schools," which are several-day English language programs, at a "special student price," allowing them to experience not only English language skills but also many other things.

Curiosity and inquisitiveness develop as one learns about the world and gains many experiences,Motivation for learning will naturally grow from within your child.

Hawaii Study Tour

In addition, the entrance examination style is changing to one that widely evaluates "learning experience.

Since "learning experience" broadly includes knowledge gained in the course of learning, it is important to keep a record of when and where the learning experience took place. Therefore, what you learned and the qualities and abilities you gained from the events and real-life experiences are listed below.Learning Portfolio."Record the information in the

This portfolio will help you organize your child's experience and abilities and make it easier for him or her to plan for the future and showcase his or her skills at job interviews and examinations.

Feature 3) They work with you to create an educational plan.

At GLIConducting "periodic interviewsWe will then work backwards from your goals to create an educational plan by providing educational consulting on when, where, and what kind of experiences you should have.

Especially for new types of entrance examinations, such as those for overseas study, thinking skills, and programming, there is almost no one who can give specific advice at cram schools, schools, or other educational institutions.

As parents, what should we do next because of the unique know-how developed at GLI, which has a lot of experience in this field,It clarifies what kind of support you need to give your child and ensures better achievement of your goals.

Rate Plans

We offer "personalized lessons" that provide a "study plan" suited to each child to improve his or her English skills and to develop skills while having fun at the same time.

Then, regular interviews to create an "educational plan" that works backwards from success and "personal coaching" that produces results.

This amount, which also includes some other "event participation fees," will give you a great value for your money.

We also want you to feel comfortable starting an English conversation with us.Full 30-day money-back guarantee."It also comes with a

So, even if you decide that GLI Online English Conversation is not for you, or that you will not make progress here, you can rest assured that you will receive a full refund of your lesson fees.


✔︎ I want them to participate in a study tour where they can experience and grow a lot!

✔︎ I want tangible results!

✔︎ We want to start learning English with the best learning plan for your child!

✔︎ I want to improve my English more and more in an environment where I can use the English I learn!

If you think so, why don't you take a "Free Trial Lesson" of GLI Online English Conversation?

For more information about GLI Online English Conversation, please click here.

Boarding School Successful Candidates' Testimonials

Last but not least,Testimonials" from students who attended GLI and were accepted to boarding schools abroad.I would like to do so.

The students who have been accepted at GLI are all regular elementary school students, not returnees.

Accepted to Harrow School Abei Japan (mother of Mr. T)

The teachers were always warm and welcoming, listened to the children and taught them well, and made the preparation for the exam enjoyable. I think my confidence was boosted by the fact that I achieved my goal of passing Harrow on my own with little help from my parents.

Accepted to Rugby School Japan (mother of Mr. R)

It was completely different from "pounding English for entrance examinations." The students were able to slowly improve their English through conversation while learning about the agenda of the class.

The first is the "M" in the "M".

If you, like GLI students, would like to get results that will amaze everyone around you, we would be happy to help you.


This time,Parents looking for study tours for their childrenfor "3 points not to fail in study tours for children"!

Three points to avoid failure in study tours for children.

Point 1) Understand what your child wants to do and what he/she is interested in.The first prerequisite is to participate in a study tour that allows your child to do what he or she wants to do and what interests him or her.

Otherwise, you will be forced to participate, pay a lot of money to participate, and end up "failing".

Therefore, we recommend that you search for a study tour based on your child's interests rather than the parents' intentions.

Please try to bring it out in your conversations at home.

Point 2) Is the tour organizer trustworthy? Check theAs the name of the study "tour" implies, many of them are generally organized by or affiliated with travel agencies.

However, in the case of study tours for children, it is more important than the itinerary how well you take care of your child's safety and emotional well-being.

This is even more so for tours that involve only children away from their parents.

This is because safety and security should take precedence over fun.

Therefore, it is necessary to check about both the travel agency and the planning organization to see if the study tour is fulfilling, safe and secure.

Point 3) Check the compatibility between the tour planning group and your child.Study tours that interest children, the tour planning organization is trustworthy, and it is safe for children to go on the tour! Even if you feel that the study tour is safe for your child, it is your child who will experience the study tour on the day of the tour.

Even if the parents' impression is good, it does not necessarily mean that they are a good match for their children. Some parents who have actually taken their children to an event have had a tough time because they did not get along with the staff of the planning organization or other participants. We often hear such voices.

So, in the end, it is quite important that the tour planning organization and your child "feel right" with each other.

So I would like to make a recommendation,

✔︎ Tour planning organizations that will prepare a pre-tour study before the tour departs.

✔︎ Tour planning organizations that offer day tours and events in addition to tours

And if a place offers such a program, you can check the compatibility with your child in advance, so there is no limit to the number of mistakes you can make.

How was this article?

If you want to make your child's study tour a good one, please take a look.

If you want to get not only a fail-proof study tour but also a high-level English proficiency, we recommend "GLI Online English Conversation".