
News & Topics

  • 공지사항
  • 2020.08.06

온라인 서머 캠프 2일차

Hello, this is Queen & Lay teacher from GLI, it been a good day for us to explore various things with the student regarding the online summer camp. In the online summer camp, we have STEAM and General activity. So, for today we learned a lot of things with Steam and General activity:

For steam, the student learned how to make a bridge structure and test their bridge. Before they started to build the bridge,  first we asked to them make their own design on the bridge types that they want to build.  They were able to build their own bridge by using the stick, toothpicks and glue. 

일반 활동으로 캠핑 지도를 만드는 방법도 배웠습니다.

  • Transparent plastic
  • Colored hard paper
  • Oil-based color pen 
  • Glue

이들은 직접 캠핑 지도를 디자인하는 과정에서 즐거움과 동시에 많은 것을 배웠다고 한다.

Activity Worksheet